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CoasterForce COVID-19 Vaccination Poll

What is your COVID-19 vaccination status?

  • Partially vaccinated (Pfizer)

    Votes: 20 19.4%
  • Fully vaccinated (Pfizer)

    Votes: 39 37.9%
  • Partially vaccinated (AstraZeneca)

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Fully vaccinated (AstraZeneca)

    Votes: 14 13.6%
  • Partially vaccinated (Moderna)

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Fully vaccinated (Moderna)

    Votes: 10 9.7%
  • Fully vaccinated (Johnson & Johnson)

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Partially vaccinated (Other)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fully vaccinated (Other)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Haven’t had the vaccine yet, but intend to when called up

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Unsure whether to get the vaccine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Definitely not getting the vaccine

    Votes: 5 4.9%

  • Total voters
I’ve gone moderna for maximum 5G coverage. I can feel my knowledge of excel shortcuts surging as I type!!
How come you’ve been able to get a Moderna jab within the UK? You’re the first British person (at least, I assume you’re British based on your recent trip reports being from British parks) I know who’s had Moderna; everyone I know has either had Pfizer or AZ. I know that Britain has Moderna doses, but they seem to be in very short supply; my local vaccination centre is only offering Pfizer for first doses currently, and I know a lot of others are only doing Pfizer as well. Did you go to a mass vaccination centre or something?
P.S. Sorry for double posting.
I thought Pfizer and Moderna were essentially very similar to one other? What difference does wealth make to which vaccine you get?
I mean, one is 0.9% more effective than the other. 😜

Anecdotally as well, a lot of friends who have received the Moderna vaccine seemed to have a rougher second shot than Pfizer (for me, just felt like a Dementor was sucking my face off)

How come you’ve been able to get a Moderna jab within the UK? You’re the first British person (at least, I assume you’re British based on your recent trip reports being from British parks) I know who’s had Moderna; everyone I know has either had Pfizer or AZ. I know that Britain has Moderna doses, but they seem to be in very short supply; my local vaccination centre is only offering Pfizer for first doses currently, and I know a lot of others are only doing Pfizer as well. Did you go to a mass vaccination centre or something?
P.S. Sorry for double posting.
A part of it, most likely, is America began serious detour of Moderna stock to other countries; expect to see it more. Now that I think about it, we also have a bunch of AZ shots stockpiled... unsure if those have been shipped out too? (as they were never put into circulation due to issues on getting FDA approval)
@Hyde In terms of the AstraZeneca situation in the USA, I was under the impression that Joe Biden and the CDC didn’t even think that the AZ vaccine would be of any use to the USA’s vaccination program, because it doesn’t have the high efficacy of the Pfizer & Moderna jabs, nor does it have the high practicality of the J&J jab. As such, the FDA haven’t yet approved the AstraZeneca vaccine simply because America doesn’t need it. At least, that’s the picture I’m gathering from here in Britain; am I right on that one, Americans?

On a side note, I’d be intrigued to know; how bad were the side effects with each of your doses? I’d be intrigued to see how people’s side effects varied, as well as whether any particular vaccine produces more side effects. I was under the impression that the AstraZeneca vaccine (and presumably the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as well, due to the J&J and AZ jabs being very similar to one another) tended to produce stronger side effects than the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines, but I’d be intrigued to put that theory to the test.

I had Pfizer, and neither of my vaccines were overly terrible side effects-wise to be honest; I had pretty similar side effects from both doses. On the first dose, my arm was very sore for a couple of days, I had a bit of a headache and I just generally felt a bit run-down and achy the day after. The second dose was very similar, yet again producing a sore arm and a general run-down, achy feeling, but I noticed that my arm never felt quite as sore as it did the first time. However, after the second, the arm pain seemed to last a bit longer; the pain when moving it eased after a day or two as it did with the first dose, but touching the vaccination site was quite painful for nearly a week after the second dose, which it wasn’t after the first dose.
Managed to get my first shot of the Pfizer dose last Thursday, here in Canada vaccinations were initially a lottery, but things are starting to speed up now. Only trouble is, we're all doing first does currently and as a result the second dose is given after 4 months, with a very small portion of the population is fully vaccinated. I'm not scheduled to get mine until September and its a system thats been deemed more politically inclined than scientific, and the CEOs of these companies have spoken out against it. However, thats the way it goes. I'm leaving the country at the end of the month so I might be able to bag my second shot in the Dominican Republic, where I possess a citizenship and who's vaccination campaign has been relatively well-executed.
@Matt N people I know in my age group (30-35) and location (south west) are typically being given moderna, some phizer.

I did feel pretty grotty from my jab… feeling better a couple of days later with a slightly sore arm.

I know of two people people who had severe reactions to AZ. One stopped breathing and had an ambulance out, the other died of a blood clot the next day, being otherwise a perfectly healthy ~40 year old dad with kids 😟
I went for my first dose back in late february,. it was a scam - they tried to stab me with a flippin' needle!

Joke, Had both doses of the pfizer - side effects were a sore arm, and slight shiveryness, and a need to hype up windows 10....
Got my final stab of Moderna a couple of weeks ago, was good timing before my Midwest trip and not having to deal with wearing a mask in the Indiana heat.
I know of two people people who had severe reactions to AZ. One stopped breathing and had an ambulance out, the other died of a blood clot the next day, being otherwise a perfectly healthy ~40 year old dad with kids 😟

Purely anecdotal and may or may not be linked, but my sister-in-law, a perfectly healthy 41 yr old, had the first jab - not sure which one, Pfizer I think - and a week later developed Bell's Pallsy. As in one half of her face is paralyzed! Looks like she's had a stroke - it's horrible.
Supposedly/hopefully not permanent but 2 months in and there's little sign of improvement so far.
Like I said, could be purely coincidental but needless to say she's really not keen on having the second one.
Purely anecdotal and may or may not be linked, but my sister-in-law, a perfectly healthy 41 yr old, had the first jab - not sure which one, Pfizer I think - and a week later developed Bell's Pallsy. As in one half of her face is paralyzed! Looks like she's had a stroke - it's horrible.
Supposedly/hopefully not permanent but 2 months in and there's little sign of improvement so far.
Like I said, could be purely coincidental but needless to say she's really not keen on having the second one.
Sorry to hear that mate - hope it turns out as well as it can for her.
Purely anecdotal and may or may not be linked, but my sister-in-law, a perfectly healthy 41 yr old, had the first jab - not sure which one, Pfizer I think - and a week later developed Bell's Pallsy. As in one half of her face is paralyzed! Looks like she's had a stroke - it's horrible.
Supposedly/hopefully not permanent but 2 months in and there's little sign of improvement so far.
Like I said, could be purely coincidental but needless to say she's really not keen on having the second one.

The same happened to my neighbour, it look around 2months for her face to go back to normal again, I can’t comment on whether she’s had her 2nd jab though.
I've had both jabs (Pfizer). I'm only 31 but got bumped up as I'm a carer for my mum. Felt a bit crappy the day after but other than that was fine.

Bring on travel...!
I was 19 when I got my last AstraZeneca jab (I work with a lot of the public and sometimes vulnerable people). Felt awful from the first dose but not a thing from the second. Will admit I was a bit sketchy about getting it after hearing all the stuff about blood clots however I've been fine ever since and all I could think about was being able to travel abroad again!
Purely anecdotal and may or may not be linked, but my sister-in-law, a perfectly healthy 41 yr old, had the first jab - not sure which one, Pfizer I think - and a week later developed Bell's Pallsy. As in one half of her face is paralyzed! Looks like she's had a stroke - it's horrible.
Supposedly/hopefully not permanent but 2 months in and there's little sign of improvement so far.
Like I said, could be purely coincidental but needless to say she's really not keen on having the second one.
Sorry to hear that @Howie; hope she gets better soon.
I know of two people people who had severe reactions to AZ. One stopped breathing and had an ambulance out, the other died of a blood clot the next day, being otherwise a perfectly healthy ~40 year old dad with kids 😟
Sorry for your loss @Nitefly, and I hope the other person eventually recovered.

I guess I should count myself pretty lucky that everyone I know has been relatively fine after their vaccine. In fact, despite my fairly mild side effects after the Pfizer as described above, my dad said to me that I’d had the worst jab reaction of anyone he’d seen!
Had my first AstraZeneca dose two days before they stopped giving it to under 40's 😂
I had a sore arm and a bit of a 'blurgh' feeling for a day or so, hubby got the full works and felt like he had flu for nearly a week lol

Second dose is due next week, two days before my band play our first gig in 18 months so fingers crossed the second one is less crippling :D
^ I was bit flu-y after first AZ (only for 24h), but when I had my second they said I shouldn't get any reaction and I didn't.
I'd pretty much second this. First one did give me a bit of a groggy head and fatigue for a day or so, second one was only drowsiness later in the day (which I truthfully can't attribute solely to the jab) and the typical sore arm for 36hrs or so.
Had my first dose of AZ in late February, had many secondary effects for about a day or so.

After much controversy around the potential side effects of AZ, the government resumed vaccination with it, and got my second shot of AZ just last Sunday with little to no side effects.
Had my first dose of AZ in late February, had many secondary effects for about a day or so.

After much controversy around the potential side effects of AZ, the government resumed vaccination with it, and got my second shot of AZ just last Sunday with little to no side effects.

I am fairly young to have had the AZ vaccine, and all my peers of the same age had Pfizer. First shot in March and second in May. I have major effects from the first and lesser from the second.

I don't get the concern over blood clots given that Covid itself is more likely to give you blood clots!
I am fairly young to have had the AZ vaccine, and all my peers of the same age had Pfizer. First shot in March and second in May. I have major effects from the first and lesser from the second.

I don't get the concern over blood clots given that Covid itself is more likely to give you blood clots!
Funny thing is that in Spain the government is *clearly* pushing Pfizer, even for people that were vaccinated with AZ the first time. In fact, if you got your first dose with AZ and want to get your second shot with AZ as well, you need to sign a waiver stating that you understand the risks that this decision might entail. Ironically, this has made people want to be vaccinated with AZ even more!