An amusement park's ideal roller coaster brings a unique, one-of-a-kind thrill with low maintenance costs, keeping overall capital costs down.
Why did Maverick have its barrel roll removed? It was because it was too intense...
for the train. Cedar Point would have been forced to go through more wheel repairs than they do at present. We also see this with wheel misters on I305 and now MF, to cool off the wheels from very hot runs (And let's not forget the track reprofiling that was done on I305 as well).
There is also a concern for rider comfort. Of course enthusiasts are going to scream for the most intense roller coasters in the world, but what about the average park goer?
You see: I believe we already are touching the limit of current roller coaster technology. Just as the Arrow multi-loopers of old, manufacturers and parks alike do not want to cross the line from fun thrill ride to uncomfortable g-force machine. What was the problem with Steel Phantom and Shockwave? They were
too intense. Yet Viper at SFMM, a fellow Arrow multi-looper, is still a very fun roller coaster that remains standing. The layout difference between these three Arrows is marginal - all have [had] the same same inversions, and general concept. Yet two met early ends, costing parks millions of dollars.
Let's fast forward to present day - you have $12 million. How are you going to spend it? I believe rational thought will support a more conservative approach, to ensure that all bases are covered. You don't need an out of the park home run, just enough to score.
Cedar Point doesn't need a Hail Mary roller coaster that is the biggest, fastest, most intense in the land (yet they built the tallest, fastest wing rider with the world's tallest inversion

), they just need something that will add additional complement to one of the world's best amusement parks.
And yeah, they did it right. GateKeeper is a great ride with a fun riding experience. Is it the best? No. I still enjoy Raptor better. Is it good? Absolutely. And the aesthetic value has been increased exponentially with the addition of GateKeeper for the front of the park/new main entrance.
Whether or not you think GateKeeper is the most intense wing rider in the world is negligible - the ride still had a 4 hour wait opening day, which puts it right on pace with Millennium Force and TTD. It is a popular roller coaster that already has become a Cedar Point heart throb.