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Canada's Wonderland | Alpenfury | Premier Rides Launch Coaster | 2025

Amuesment Insiders has a habit of not being close to reliable so I'll hold my skepticism and hope to see it from a different source.
Amuesment Insiders has a habit of not being close to reliable so I'll hold my skepticism and hope to see it from a different source.
He literally had the interview on video with park management. It's not inside info, it's straight from the park themselves.

Trust me, I know not to trust that idiot lol
He literally had the interview on video with park management. It's not inside info, it's straight from the park themselves.

Trust me, I know not to trust that idiot lol
Lol that idiot is the last person who should be treated with any shred of credibility.

A couple friends on the tour also conducted their own interviews, there's plenty more to this (copy pasting my breakdown from another Forum);

Lapbar only, no comfort collars or seatbelts. As shown in the animation, the triangular sides have been removed at the park's request, partially for aesthetics and partially to ease load/unload. That's right, Premier Rides is at last making some kind of effort to improve the Sky Rocket train, although I wouldn't expect any further design fixes.

Loose Articles
They don't want to install netting around the coaster, so expect an incredibly strict loose articles policy. They'll be using a combination of metal detectors and the fancy flying bins system seen on Yukon Striker and WMG, although logistics aren't fully figured out yet.

Most of the queue at least should be below the station. Fast Lane and Standby will merge before the stairs, single rider's line will go to the top. Pretty much the setup currently being tested out on Behemoth. Platform will have room to park both trains inside (don't expect an unload). Floor will fold away during dispatch, not sure why it's strictly necessary but eh.

Transfer track not being seen in the animation wasn't a fluke; it will be located inside the mountain. Indoor section will be partially but not fully enclosed. Coaster height extends roughly 75 feet above the exit point on top of the mountain. That funny floating support in the animation will be connected to the ground irl. They want this thing doing 1,000+ pph, which means 60 dispatches per hour. Absolutely ludicrous figure but we'll see how it goes.

Yes they did talk to B&M about a layout. Peter Switzer (maintenance) has gone golfing with them plenty, too.
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They don't want to install netting around the coaster, so expect an incredibly strict loose articles policy. They'll be using a combination of metal detectors and the fancy flying bins system seen on Yukon Striker and WMG, although logistics aren't fully figured out yet.
interesting. The in queue locker Steel Vengeance has seems like a much simpler system, I'm suprised they wouldn't go with that.
Was at the park yesterday, Alpenfury is imminent.

Footers are now being poured on the former Skycoaster site. This is a really tight space for a coaster turnaround.

Current sections of track onsite. A second shipment has been sent out allegedly.

Footer markers. There’s many of them, visually well hidden but once you see one then more will appear.

Was at the park yesterday, Alpenfury is imminent.

Footers are now being poured on the former Skycoaster site. This is a really tight space for a coaster turnaround.

Thank you for sharing, progress is positive. Have we already had any info about expected opening? My understanding of construction in Canada is there is a quite a significant winter break. Do we think it'll be ready for May seasoning opening?