You'll probably be pleased to know that this is the final post of this report. Hurrah!
All that's left is the final journey to Las Vegas where our trip ends. ?
It was a long old drive, about 5 hrs worth.
On the way we drove past a place called Glen Canyon, and seeing as we hadn't seen many canyons on this trip, I stopped for a picture:
It has a dam too. I'd originally wanted to visit the Hoover Dam on this trip but never managed to fit it in, but this one almost made up for it:
Now me & Mrs Howie had covered this journey before on a previous trip and weren't expecting to see much in the way of scenery. However, for some reason the sat nav decided to send us a different way this time, a much longer way in fact, about 90 minutes longer. Upon investigation it turned out that the sat nav was sending us through Zion National Park. A closer look at the maps soon revealed why this route would take a lot longer:
But it's ok, Zion was another place that we'd originally looked at visiting back in the planning stages but dropped due to time constraints. At least this way we'd get to do the 'drive thru' visit.
Oh my God, it's amazing!
This is the bit where all those hairpin bends on the map are. See those holes in the side of the cliff face?

Those are like little side 'windows' in the road tunnel that carves its way through that mountain. Very cool engineering for all you mech-heads out there.
So that's Zion National Park. Apart from stopping for a cheeky Subway we didn't do anything here, but it was another unscheduled bonus and we'll definitely come here again to explore it properly. Looks amazing. I really fancy doing the 'Angel's Landing Hike' next time. Look it up!
So that's it for the dreaded Geo-graphic content. No more mountains, caverns, canyons, caves, cliffs or nothing like that, our next stop was Las Vegas... again.
For (what should have been) our last night of the holiday we'd booked into the Stratosphere Hotel and for the grand finale I'd booked and paid to do a night time Skyjump - you know, that thing where you jump off the Stratosphere Tower on a descender cable.
First of all, there was an awful lot of unnecessary faff in changing my online, print-at-home voucher into an actual ticket. See, on the ground floor of the Strat' is the box office. On the second floor they have a ticket office. On the third floor they have the Skyjump shop. Tried the box office first:
'Oh no, sir, you need the ticket office on the second floor'.
At the ticket office, then:
'No sir, you need to go the Skyjump shop on the third floor'.
At the Skyjump shop, then:
'You need to change your voucher for a ticket at the box office on the ground floor, sir'.
'I've just tried that luv, they sent me up here'.
So, the Skyjump shop lady comes with me back down to the box office on the ground floor, does the business, and back we go up to the Skyjump shop on the third floor again where I fill out the waiver form, get the jumpsuit on, get the harness on and wait to go up the tower.
'It's full at the top of the tower at the moment, sir, bit windy, so it's a bit slower than usual, but we'll be going up soon'.
15 minutes later:
'Sorry sir, they're closing the Skyjump, it's too windy. We'll put you on a standby list and call you if the wind drops'.
Grrr, whatever, ok then, so I remove the harness and the jumpsuit and, hoping the wind will die down in a bit, head off to get some dinner.
About an hour later I get a call and an automated message saying 'Hi Mr Howatson, your Skyjump is ready, please make your way to the Skyjump shop'.
Woo hoo, so that's exactly what I did, minced up to the Skyjump shop only to find it deserted, lights off and a blokey sat outside at a little desk informing people that the Skyjump wouldn't be reopening this evening.
'But I just had a call to say it was ready'.
'Sorry sir, must be some kinda mistake. I can put you on reserve list for the morning?'
'You know what mate, forget it, I'm totally over this now, the moment's gone. Gimme my 150 bucks back. Going home tomorrow anyway so won't have time in the morning'.
So that was my Skyjump spite. Gutted really, had been looking forward to (or dreading) that for months. Never even got to go up the tower.

You know what else? The hotel was rubbish too. Small rooms, small bathroom, dull decor, tiny window with a sh*t view. I tell you what, If this
had been our last night of the holiday, it would have been a real damp squib to end on. Luckily, while I was mincing about with all the Skyjump faff, Mrs Howie had been on the phone trying to sort out an alternative flight home and as it turned out, the earliest one available was a full 3 days away.
Woo hoo, 3 extra nights in Las Vegas then! Thank you Thomas Cook.

But what to do with our extra time here? Well, the first and most important thing was to check out of the Stratosphere Hotel - sh*thole - and find somewhere nice to stay, so we went back to the Rio All Suites from the week before A) because we knew we liked it and B) because it only cost $100 for all three nights!

That's crazy cheap for such a nice gaff.
I suppose we could have done a lot more with our extra time here but to be honest, after such an epic and exhausting road trip it was really rather nice to spend 3 days just chilling by the pool with gigantic pina coladas all day.
Sure, in the evenings we'd go for a wander up the strip n stuff. On the first night we watched a dinner show at The Excalibur called the Tournament of Kings:
It was alright. It had topless dudes and horses so Mrs Howie was happy.
They've got quite a decent, old skool arcade at the Excalibur too which we spent far too much time in. Mrs Howie loves a bit of Donkey Derby, air hockey and whack n alien, bless her.
On the second extra night we went to see Rod Stewart at Caesar's Palace. I know, right... Rod Stewart! Hey, we were stranded in Vegas, why the hell not?
Coulda been worse, coulda been Manilow.
We are sail-ing
We are saaaaail-ing'
It was alright. He's past it, he knows it, we know it, but at least he's still game for a laugh and, y'know, he might not be around for much longer...
On the third night all we did was mince around in the casino and got very, very drunk. It was ace! Mrs Howie discovered that she really liked the roulette table and, after playing for about 2 hours came away with a whopping profit of... wait for it... about 40 bucks.

Don't knock it, that was enough for 2 more jumbo pina coladas!
Well folks, that about wraps things up. Not gonna lie, it was an awesome trip, probably the best ever. No offence to anyone reading this who I may have been on holiday with before, but this one is gonna take some beating.
Time for a little summary, then.
The route, part 1:
San Francisco - Mariposa Grove - Yosemite - June Lake - Las Vegas:
The route, part 2:
Denver - Manitou Springs - Glenwood Springs - Moab - Monument Valley - Page - Zion - Las Vegas.
Total mileage covered (not including internal flights or day trips: 1780 miles.
States visited: 5
New parks visited: 4
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
California's Great America
The Adventuredome, Las Vegas
Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
*Cave of the Winds Mountain Park (not really a theme park, but hey, it's got some rides so...)
New creds: 17
Batman: The Ride
Superman: Ultimate Flight
Flash: Vertical Velocity
Flight Deck
Psycho Mouse
Canyon Blaster
El Loco
Alpine Coaster
Wild West Express
Best creds:
1. Railblazer
(big gap)
2. Goldstriker
3. Joker
Best non-creds:
Haunted Mine Drop, Glenwood Caverns
Giant Canyon Swing, Glenwood Caverns
Terror Dactyl Canyon Swing, Cave of the Winds
Canyons visited: lost count
Sightseeing tours undertaken: bout 12?
Trip highlights:
The Windy wedding
The Alcatraz night tour
The big trees
Bodie ghost town
Penn & Teller
Glenwood Caverns
The Fiery Furnace
The Monument Valley clifftop camp-out
The mud hut
Antelope Canyon
Legal weed in 3 out of the 5 states
The Dodge!
Trip lowlights
Power cuts
Downtown Vegas
The Mustang
The final bill!
Skipped creds: 5
2 kiddies and the boomerang at SFDK
2 kiddies at CGA
Spites: 5
The 3 alpines at Vail, Breckenridge and Copper Mountain ski resorts.
Stratosphere Skyjump.
On the way home, we had that Star Wars Galaxy's Edge plane, which was kinda cool.
Punch it, Chewie

And finally, if you're wondering why - in a trip report entitled 'Creds & Canyons Tour' - we didn't visit the most obvious of all canyons, the Grand Canyon, well... it's just so basic innit?
However we did get to see it from the plane on the way home so for all you geology heads out there, here's one last canyon picture just for you:
Thanks for reading, hope you liked it and I hope at least some of it has inspired you to take on a similar trip.
Peace out, man.