When I first saw the POV, not gonna lie, I felt a little disappointed too, but after re watching and analysing it, it's really grown on me!
It was probably the stats that I felt most disappointed about, but we all know, POVs are quite misleading when it comes to height and when we compare them to other rival coasters, or those in the same category, it's clear to see this has serious potential. A height of 90ft may not be particularly visually imposing, but remember, that's twice the height of Nemesis (even though it's a terrain coaster) and only about 10ft smaller than Taron? Both of those are undoubtedly two of the most intense coasters on the planet and come to think of it, Taron's layout is similarly dominated by snaking curves. Therefore, the arguments that can't be intense or filled with airtime, are invalid. It could end up being pedestrian, sure, but it all depends on how they dial in the launch.
As others have alluded to, it'll be the interactions with other rides, the support structure and the tunnels (having two tunnels is wonderful, as they can really enhance the experience) which embellish the experience. There are quite a few features which I'm really excited about which are not that clear in the video:
- That first 'top hat' element looks actually more like a really steep airtime Hill. Assuming the launch speed is fast enough, and weather conditions permit, that could well become the best airtime moment in the UK. Admittedly that's not hard though

- The fist Stengel(ish) dive actually goes directly over Steeplechase...which will be awesome for anyone on either of the coasters!
- Then there's the following turn, which may well be taken very quickly as it's in some kind of trough of some kind, a little like Cheetah Hunt?
- The inline on Blue Fire comes quite late in the layout, so this may also have the whip to it - especially since it is indeed inclined.
- Definitely some airtime on the two hills before the second launch, then there's a big hill parallel to the launches which looks really good too.
- There may also be some unexpected airtime elsewhere!
- The ride time of 2:30 actually makes it a good 20 seconds longer than Helix?
Then of course, there's the chance some of it could be redesigned - it'd be really nice to see a pop of airtime before the brakes (it seems to meander a bit in the current design)and possibly a snappy corkscrew.
On a side note, are we sure the 80kph figure is legit? RCDB isn't listing it, and neither are the articles (at least the ones I've seen). Still, that's 50 mph, which is just as fast as Nemesis.
I will certainly reserve some further judgement until I ride it
Finally, would it be at all possible for both trains to be on the launches simultaneously? I somehow doubt it, but if they could it would be incredible...