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Biggest Disappointment...


Mega Poster
Here is the thread where you can rave about the ride which you thought would be amazing, but dropped it hard.

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I'm sure there's some topic like this in the depths of the forums, but I'm not looking.

Definitely Twisted Colossus. It wasn't dueling, so it was basically a sub-par RMC with an awkward break in the middle. Intimidator because I was expecting weak airtime but not no airtime. I keep mentioning it but Goliath SFNE cause GIB's were always on my bucket list. Turns out the government and Premier worked together to create the world's largest public torture device.
For me it has to be the Winjas. I'd heard amazing reviews, the design and concept was awesome but my first go (and first ever ride at Phantasialand) was very meh. They car barely had any spin, and we didn't 'duel' the other side as we went round the giant helix which is kinda the centrepiece.
Star Trek Operation Enterprise looked so good while it was being built and I was really hyped to ride it but it turned out to be really boring.

I also really didn't like the Beast everyone was saying it's legendary at night, but I still found myself bored to death on it. Sure you can't see anything but it just felt like turning off the lights and having a fan blow in your face to me.

For me it has to be the Winjas. I'd heard amazing reviews, the design and concept was awesome but my first go (and first ever ride at Phantasialand) was very meh. They car barely had any spin, and we didn't 'duel' the other side as we went round the giant helix which is kinda the centrepiece.

I actually got a lot of spin when I rode it which is weird as the other Maurer spinners I've ridden barely spun at all.
I'd say I've only had 2 rides that could be considered disappointments since becoming an enthusiast:
  • Manta at SeaWorld Orlando - This may have been down to my expectations more than anything else, but I'd heard people say that this was the best coaster in Florida and that it had a ride experience to rival the likes of Montu, Nemesis and Mako, as well as that it was a substantial improvement on earlier B&M flying coasters. However, what I personally found Manta to be was a slightly larger Galactica with an uncomfortably forceful pretzel loop and oddly, I also found it to have a noticeable rattle, which I've never heard mentioned before. Don't get me wrong, it was a fun ride and it sits in my #20 spot, but I certainly wouldn't rave about it like others do. Admittedly, I may have been "wrong" about Manta, as I only had one back row ride on it, which is apparently not Manta's optimal row. Looking back, I probably also had unfairly high expectations of it; I think the problem was that I was expecting it to be a top 5/top 10 coaster for me and it wasn't. Maybe I'd enjoy it more if I re-rode it?
Now, this second one may seem a bit odd, as feedback doesn't seem particularly positive for it anyway, but I must admit that I was a little disappointed in some ways by:
  • Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach - Now, I'll admit my expectations of the Big One weren't too high, even though I'd heard one reviewer say it had more airtime than Mako. But the Big One did disappoint me a little, I must admit. While I liked the first drop a lot, it was incredibly rough, much more so than I was expecting, which was the main disappointment for me. However, I must admit I'm probably being unnecessarily harsh on the Big One here, as it's an iconic ride and one of the older hypers, so I apologise for that.
For me it has to be the Winjas. I'd heard amazing reviews, the design and concept was awesome but my first go (and first ever ride at Phantasialand) was very meh. They car barely had any spin, and we didn't 'duel' the other side as we went round the giant helix which is kinda the centrepiece.

Agree with you on this one. As impressive as Winjas are from a creative and immersive experience viewpoint, ever since my first rides on it back in 07' I always found it underwhelming in terms of actual ride excitement compared to the glowing praise it received. For some reason, they don't have the wacky fun of other custom Maurer Spinners I experienced like Spinball and Dragon's Fury, and leave me more with a feeling of "meh. It was alright I guess" than anything else. Now that Phantasialand has Taron and soon F.L.Y. (or whatever this will eventually be named), Winjas' forces and layout come across as even more forgettable.
Agree with you on this one. As impressive as Winjas are from a creative and immersive experience viewpoint, ever since my first rides on it back in 07' I always found it underwhelming in terms of actual ride excitement compared to the glowing praise it received. For some reason, they don't have the wacky fun of other custom Maurer Spinners I experienced like Spinball and Dragon's Fury, and leave me more with a feeling of "meh. It was alright I guess" than anything else. Now that Phantasialand has Taron and soon F.L.Y. (or whatever this will eventually be named), Winjas' forces and layout come across as even more forgettable.
Yeah maybe that's it - they're presented in such an immersive and impressive way that the rather average ride experience seems, in contrast, more disappointing. They have some good moments but as a whole, not the incredible pinnacle of spinning coaster that I had imagined.
I'm intrigued - for anyone who's ridden both - which is rougher: The Big One or Furios Baco?
I'd say they're about equal in terms of roughness (from my experience) in that they both have moments that some people would consider rough, though I wouldn't say either are that bad. However, Baco is fast and thrilling whereas The Big One is just a big drop and a boring trundle back to the station. I'm probably in the minority in that I'd happily never ride The Big One again but I'd love to give Baco another try :)
Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach - Now, I'll admit my expectations of the Big One weren't too high, even though I'd heard one reviewer say it had more airtime than Mako. But the Big One did disappoint me a little, I must admit. While I liked the first drop a lot, it was incredibly rough, much more so than I was expecting, which was the main disappointment for me. However, I must admit I'm probably being unnecessarily harsh on the Big One here, as it's an iconic ride and one of the older hypers, so I apologise for that.
Definitely with you on that. It looks good enough to have reasonable expectations of it. Climbing up the lifthill is exhilirating, as is the first few moments of the drop. From then on I just found it to be forceless and uncomfortable. I love a rough ride on Grand National or whatever, but Big One isn't rough an enjoyable way. I just found it very dull.
Just off the top of my head (kind of in order):
  • Phoenix. Y'all are :emoji_poop:ed in the head if you think this ride should rank high. It's an extremely average kiddie coaster that just so happens to have buzz bars. Don't understand how ACErs cream themselves over this ride yet barely fit on it.
  • Balder. I pretty much expected this to be mediocre and I was right. Airtime is pretty good and the drop is really good in the back, but those :emoji_poop:ing slow turns absolutely RUIN that ride.
  • Boulder Dash. I had to literally stand up during the ride to have some fun, but some fun was had. Very average out & back, hardly any airtime. Nothing worth gushing over.
  • Beast? Might as well include it. Wooden jet coaster and no other way around it. The helix is good tho.
  • Wave Breaker. Stupid ass ride, no further comment.
Boss at Six Flags St. Louis
https://rcdb.com/616.htm#p=1091 looked so epic... runs so... poorly.

Had to take note of this interesting name Google has for it
Here is the thread where you can rave about the ride which you thought would be amazing, but dropped it hard.

Sorry if this is a thread.
If so then take it down


Probably Steel Vengeance for me. Don't get me wrong, it's in my top 10(#7 to be exact), but the intensity didn't live up the hype, the first half was boring, and the airtime was pretty weak. Like I said, super great RMC, second favorite out of the 5 I've ridden behind Lightning Rod.
Showing my age here...
Steeplechase at Blackpool.
Watched it being built from the very start.
Massive earthworks and steel.
First close following of a big ride being built.
Train trips out of season just to watch a triple racing coaster being built...a modern Grand National with a twist.
And then I saw it testing.
I can still remember that sinking feeling in my gut...
How slow could it possibly go???