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Antinos' Dev Topic [NL]

That's understandable. I probably should have added an extra launch right before the end or something. Oh well. It's something to consider if I do another similar ride.
I did a quick woodie for the lulz:


I'm not gonna post a download cause it was thrown together rather quickly and isn't my most inspired work.

Hopefully my inspiration and perseverance will last with this one. I've been trying to do a launched Intamin suspended coaster resembling Volcano on and off for quite some time. I hope this one will get finished:

I thought the woodie was pretty good too Marc! Not bad for something you just threw together! :D
I know this is slightly off-topic, but do you have Loefet's Track Shapes file that you could PM to me please? :)

The SLC is looking good. They are a rarity!
I might have his track shapes files somewhere. I'll see if I can find it and get back to you. :D
I managed to get a hold of Loefet and he sent me the file. Thanks Antinos, and Hixee though! And sorry for hi-jacking your thread.
No biggie. It's about time the thread gets some attention.

And another screenshot. I'm almost done with track work and then it's onto landscaping and supporting:

I absolutely love how your "Quick Woodie", was far superior to most that we see in the NL Thread. It was great :D
Looks pretty nice! I look forward to riding it. :D
I really liked this. The layout was really nicely put together and I like how some of the turns near the loop twisted together. No pumps or bumps... so I can't fault it! :)
Really nice work! I liked the layout, the nice twisting dives and low level high speed turns were great and the inversions were nicely made too.

It was smooth, pump-free and a very good track all round. Excellent stuff! :D

Good to see an inverted looper that isn't just made up of one inversion after another. Nice interaction with other parts of the track on the zero g and barrel rolls.
Thanks for the comments, guys!

I already started another one, but who knows when it'll get done as I leave on Wednesday for the Live:
