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Ankara, Turkey | Wonderland Eurasia | Theme Park

There's a chance I'll have another work trip to Turkey later in the summer or early Autumn. If they could do a big final operating weekend so I could get all the creds that'd be great. Just saying.

After that, don't really care. :p There's nothing individually of note there, but the +17 is worth something.
I wonder what might happen to the coasters? There’s a lot of barely used ride hardware that could be a good fit within many theme parks! Some of it, such as the Intamin 10 looper and Intamin family launcher, is quite high quality ride hardware as well!

This park is a perplexing tale, though. Wasn’t it only open for something like 3 days? And wasn’t it supposedly very busy during the time it was open?

It was open a bit longer than that, but it definitely wasn't busy other than for maybe a few days for the opening. Before Hong Kong turned into North Korea, I used to go to theme parks now and then, and I did a report on this place. Without scrolling back and checking, I'm pretty sure it closed just a few weeks later.

Link here: Wonderland Trip Report
The 10-looper was also up and running as early as 2015 as part of a test area before the rest of the park was built. That’s why it’s so far away from the other rides, IIRC.
It was open a bit longer than that, but it definitely wasn't busy other than for maybe a few days for the opening. Before Hong Kong turned into North Korea, I used to go to theme parks now and then, and I did a report on this place. Without scrolling back and checking, I'm pretty sure it closed just a few weeks later.

Link here: Wonderland Trip Report
Oh wow; cheers for the interesting report @gavin! I can’t say I’m surprised that the park closed based on your report; a park that massive with hardly any people in it and half the rides not open isn’t exactly a good omen…

Did the other creds ever open? Or did it only ever reach 9 operating creds?
Oh wow; cheers for the interesting report @gavin! I can’t say I’m surprised that the park closed based on your report; a park that massive with hardly any people in it and half the rides not open isn’t exactly a good omen…

Did the other creds ever open? Or did it only ever reach 9 operating creds?
I think it's safe to say that those nine were it since it closed very soon after my visit. I think I was lucky to even get those. I seem to remember that I got a kiddy coaster or two more than another report I'd read.

I think I mentioned at the end of that report that a big part of rides not being open was down to sheer numbers and the staffing that would be required. I'm fairly sure it was different with the coasters, which probably hadn't been signed off, finished testing etc., but there were soooooooo many flat rides as well, including multiple installations of the same things in different parts of the park. That's before you take food outlets, toilets etc. into consideration. They would have needed literally hundreds of staff to operate the park properly, which just isn't feasible when you've got 30 guests during what should be a peak time of year.
Yeah sorry, necro-bump and all that, but I happened to come across a (not that recent) episode of "Abandoned Engineering" that started out with a segment on the park. (Usual format of this show, some pertinent interviews/useless "talking heads" that don't add any value/tons of drone shots)

Anyway I found it on YT too ;

Worth 12 minutes of your time (if you are so inclined) anyway!