Just going to bold something here in the vain hope that people will actually read this post.
Things you need to know about this before you carry on. Anyone ignoring these facts will have their avatar replaced with a picture of a fish forever!!!
1. The Ropers have lived in the beautiful, idyllic village since 1968.
2. The Ropers have objected to every bit of planning permission so far.
3. The Ropers have been complaining about noise levels since 1980.
-In the mid 1990's the Ropers had another complaint to the council about the noise overturned. They suspected foul play and had one of the officers in the council's environmental health department checked out. The officer who had overturned the complaint was found to be on the payroll of Tussauds.
The outcome of this allowed the Ropers to pursue Tussauds privately with a civil case. Basically they proved that the council could not be relied on to give them a fair judgement so they would have to go through the courts.
The civil cases have come this far
because of Alton/Tussauds
5. The case will NEVER get Oblivion removed, or any other ride. They were installed legally. The case is not about ride noise.
6. The case is about general park noise, such as concerts and on park music - as well as "Egging guests on to scream".
7. The park is in the middle of incredibly quiet, beautiful Staffordshire countryside. It's not an urban centre of tourism and excitement. Background noise in the off season is nothing, well, it's pin-drop quiet.
8. Sentences start with capital letters, as does I when referring to yourself

9. The Ropers don't live in Alton Village itself, though there have been ride removals from the village side due to noise issues (Alton Mouse and Beast)
10. Alton has been found guilty of producing too much noise during the day. It was officially recorded by the judge over-seeing the case (he was round their house counting his wads of cash... Whosaidthat?). So there is absolutely, 100%, a noise issue at the Ropers house - this fact cannot be argued or debated.
So, from all of that, we can see it IS a vendetta, but they had lived in the house for 12 years before there was a problem. From a peaceful village home to being slap-bang in the middle of the UK's top tourist attraction (sorry, no, that's PBB

You can kind of see their point, but they were trying to turn back the tide (yes, they're a pair of Cnuts). However, the court cases are justified as there was evidence of possible foul play, a reason that the cases always failed. You can see why they have a vendetta if they feel justified that they've been wronged.
However (again), it's been 31 years of misery and massively increased property value in the area, just move the **** out? There's got to be another gorgeous village somewhere else you can go and put your miserable faces? Seriously, the cost and stress to get get so little changed is pointless. They must know the park is there forever, they will never be able to return to 1979 no matter what. Just go.