Always slowed down on the loop to the point you felt ya bum leave the seat... Perhaps not this much, but I'm sure she'll speed up anyway with more testing.
Until the loop, I was going to say that it looks like she's flying...
I don't 'hate' the new sound as much as I'd feared I might, she's still roaring, it's just an ever so slightly more ladylike roar! Fitting for a queen.
No sign of any water / blood yet. :/ I know most of you more realistic folk guessed it wouldn't return, but I was still hopeful. We certainly have the technology available to prevent it from being an environmental concern these days. However, I'm losing hope now. I still remember having to listen to my friend in school in 1994, when he'd already visited and I had to wait until end of season... I very distinctly remember the main thing he was trying to excite me with was that "you fly over rivers of blood!" It was a big thing that blood was, a massive part of the experience, will be a crying shame if it's not returning.
Edited to add: actually watching it back, the look really is quite slow, but I'm still not worried, these are initial test runs... It'll be fine.
Edited again to add: JB over on Twitter confirming this was the first train, in this cold weather... No wonder it looks slow. TBF I'm sat 20 minutes away with a wood fire and the central heating on full blast and still feeling cold, I should have worked that one out sooner!

It'll be fine!