Darren B said:
So we shouldn't judge Ian Huntley for his moment of madness when he murdered 2 school girls? I mean after all, he hadn't killed anyone before.
lol. That's such an outrageous comparison that it doesn't even warrant a counterargument.
Darren B said:
I'm not making any assumptions, I'm pretty much stating a fact. NOBODY would want their children to be taught by this moron if this is the example that he sets.
Seriously? You believe that he was teaching this in the classroom?
I went to undergrad with plenty of individuals who went on to become teachers. Most (if not all) of them went out binge drinking on the weekends and doing all of the stupid things that you do in college. Some of these people have gone on to become great teachers who have received recognition as such in their communities. A fair amount of these teachers still go out on the weekends and drink to excess. I think most people would agree that this would be setting a bad example for the students whom are very impressionable. But it's not like they're incorporating how to binge drink into their curriculum. Would these students be better off if their teachers died tragically on the weekend?