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  1. Louis!

    Formula 1™ Topic

    Because Renault is now Lotus Renault and is owned by the actual Lotus company. Lotus Racing aren't anything to do with the actualy Lotus company. It's quite confusing, but who cares? Lotus = <3 although slightly more lovage towards Lotus Racing
  2. Louis!

    The Jer development topic! [Songbird 8/13/16]

    Now those colours are fantastic :)
  3. Louis!

    Formula 1™ Topic

    Im still pissed that Vettel won the championship. I expect this to last until he is categorically beaten numerous times over the season and is finally stripped of his undeserving #1 on the front of his car.
  4. Louis!

    The Jer development topic! [Songbird 8/13/16]

    I still think the support colours aren't ideal. I think you've either got to go all the way to a darker green, or the other way to yellow. This lime green is quite an eyesore IMO and is distracting from the brilliance of the layout.
  5. Louis!

    Project V2 (UC)

    Better. Although I think maybe the purple could do with being a bit darker?
  6. Louis!

    The Jer development topic! [Songbird 8/13/16]

    Lol, I guess I am. Didn't think anyone would actually notice :P
  7. Louis!

    Pleasure Beach Bling Sold

    Weren't they selling it for a price not too much under the price of a brand new one?
  8. Louis!

    The Jer development topic! [Songbird 8/13/16]

    Haha, my bad.
  9. Louis!

    The Jer development topic! [Songbird 8/13/16]

    Are you changing the support colours for the track? I wasn't sure whether you meant the supports for creating the stations or the supports for the track. Because I think the yellow is too green and doesnt go well with the red. The track work looks good, interesting adding the corkscrew in...
  10. Louis!

    North Korean Theme Parks

    I think it would be interesting to visit these places, just for the culture and 'shock' factor. Whilst they don't look anything special, they would be a new experience and hold an atmosphere never really seen elsewhere.
  11. Louis!

    Water coasters

    Hmmm...I tend to just go by the logic that if it's on RCDB then it counts, if not it doesnt, even if I feel it should or shouldn't count. Just to save argument. Bringing up the Snails again here, I think that they are no less of a coaster than Tyrolean Tubtwist, yet they aren't on RCDB, and...
  12. Louis!

    Scream Zone at Coney Island (including 2 new coasters)

    So Zamperla have indeed taken over the operations of the Cyclone. Although it appears only for the year, until the city can find another operator. Apologies if this has already been posted somewhere else, I did look, but couldn't find anything on it. Source
  13. Louis!

    Longest line/wait?

    3.5 hours for Dragon Khan. It was Good Friday. Not sure it was really worth it looking back, but I thought it was at the time.
  14. Louis!

    Rides with pre-shows/films

    It does indeed:
  15. Louis!

    MARCH 15th- UPDATE!

    Why is it that everytime I come back, you've gotten a whole load better? Great stuff :)
  16. Louis!

    Euro World - Update 30/06

    Like I said at NE, taller and narrower and then it will all fall into place. And I wont bother mentioning the windmill sails as I know you like them how they are ;)
  17. Louis!

    Aspen [Under Construction]

    The landscape looks a little forced. It's like you wanted/needed that hill to be there so you've put it in and it doesnt really flow with the rest. It's nice landscaping, that's just my concern.
  18. Louis!

    Aspen [Under Construction]

  19. Louis!

    Scorpio [Vekoma]

    For full size use firefox? I am on firefox. Are you sure you didnt mean don't use firefox? And the corkscrews are fine in my eyes.
  20. Louis!

    Aspen [Under Construction]

    I'm still not keen on the colours :P They are starting to grow on me though! The Cobra roll looks nice and smooth and the overbank after the Cobra looks interesting.