I don't think that people with mobility issues make up the bulk of RAP users these days. The service is now used far more by people with hidden disabilities (e.g. autism, ADHD), and the considerable rise in diagnoses of these conditions has resulted in vastly increased RAP usage in recent years. The RAP queues aren't full with people who have a mobility-based reason for being unable to queue, they're full of people who have psychological reasons for being unable to queue (for instance, people who don't understand the concept of delayed gratification, or people who get distressed in queues for whatever reason). That is likely why the people in the RAP queue didn't appear to be in a worse state mobility-wise than your mother-in-law.
In recent seasons, the system has proved problematic in terms of the queues it causes. The RAP queues have now often become bonafide queues in themselves on peak days, which has resulted in complaints from both RAP users and those in the main queues. Merlin did attempt to rectify this for the 2024 season by introducing RAP pre-booking and limiting the number of RAP slots, but this didn't work because the system went online many hours earlier than they had originally said it would. As such, numerous people who had tickets booked for opening weekend complained that they were unable to get RAP and threatened to sue Merlin for discrimination, so Merlin had to renege on this and allow people to get RAP without pre-booking on opening weekend.
I'd imagine that RAP queues might grow a little less crowded in future as the new booking system beds in a little and the initial teething problems are ironed out.
Really good summary that Matt.
The thing that bugs me though, and I know I'm going to upset a few with this, is that many of them 'can' queue when they want to. They've proven this time and time again by still joining long RAP queues despite being warned to try elsewhere and come back later. It seems a lot are just gaming the system to queue 'less.'
So for example, if Nemesis is on a 4 hour queue, they're more than happy to queue 1 to 2 hours for RAP rather than riding the other coasters, because they're still 'winning.' And yet, if Oblivion is on a 20 minute queue, they'll still use the RAP, because they can't queue 20 minutes, and will get to walk on with RAP instead... Which is it?
RAP should be for those who physically cannot stand in a queue. (Be that for an actual physical condition, or a more serious psychological / hidden one.) It pains me to see people who quite literally cannot physically stand, forced to queue in the RAP queue because it's over subscribed. Those that can queue if they want to / need to, but would 'rather queue less' should queue like everyone else.
Trouble is, and always has been, how do you decide that, and who makes those decisions? You can't go entirely 'physical disability only' because there are some with level 2 or 3 autism and similar conditions, who also genuinely can't stand for lengthy times, and wouldn't dream of joining a longer RAP queue. So it's an impossible line to draw. It's always going to be open to abuse, and there's nothing really can be done about it without discriminating against those who really need it.
Before anybody takes this too personally, and without getting too personal, I could abuse it myself, and I choose not to, because as much as I hate queuing, and often do suffer in long queues, I don't think I 'need' it enough, there are people who need it much more. My comments are not aimed at anybody who thinks they 'need' it. it's aimed at those that are still happy to queue 2 hours in RAP, as long as it's shorter than the main queue, rather than doing something else and come back. Believe me, they're out there, in higher numbers than anybody wants to admit, for fear of reprisal.
Also, as a side note, since other posts have come in whilst I'm typing, I don't care about it making our queue longer, or whether they actually utilise the timeout properly and make it fair... I care about those who really need it having to stand in longer queues because it's being abused... (If those abusing it were in the main queue, it would still mean I personally have to queue the same amount of time... )