Definitely Nemesis Inferno and Shockwave (DM)
Inferno - Because it's always overshadowed by it's predecessor. Admittedly the original Nemesis is the better coaster, and admittedly Inferno did used to suck. But recently, over the past two years, it's been running fab, and has shot up my top 10 to a relatively respectful place right below Nemesis. Sure the drops not great, but there's some great inversions, the pace is perfect and the forces are pretty amazing too. Also the thing that really makes it stand out, is its a fantastic ride in pretty much any seat, unlike the original, which is pretty lacklustre in the middle.
Shockwave - Because it's a pretty unique ride, there aren't many Intamin/Giovanola standups left in the world, and in the UK, it's the only standup. It's not a perfect ride, and does bash you around a bit, but nowhere near as much as people make it out to! Also how can anyone hate it when it has the only standup zero g roll, which is made of pure awesomeness!