Nicky Borrill
Strata Poster
Bank Holidays really are great right now aren't they?An absolutely perfect day at Alton today, really pleased. Yes it was only at 28% capacity, but strong uptime allowed us to ride everything with rerides (including first train of the day on Wicker Man!), two front row Nemesis rides, the best ride we've ever had on Rita somehow, and even time for Curse, Gangster Granny (had never ridden it), time to stop and eat at Explorer's Pizza, and time for the Aquarium too.
Oblivion did go down for a long period (evac from the lift and crest!) but they actually reopened it for the last half hour, Europa Park style.
Really impressed with the park overall today, great staff too.
If only I could actually get out of working them to enjoy the quiet parks...