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Would you ride Extasy?

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:shock: wow that looks insane! theres a 100% chance i'd ride.

I have a storng stomach for rides like that.
^ I noticed that as well. I think they all come down at the same rate, but some start to go back down before others for some reason. I could be wrong though.

There only seems to be about 5 people on the ride at that time anyway, so that's probably why its on such a long cycle.

I personally would definatly love to have a go on this ride. It looks insane! It's just basically going on a twister but upside-down!
I'd ride it, but wait until the end of the day, as I'm pretty sure I'd feel sick on it. Actually that whole park (Prater?) looks to have some really interesting flats, even if the coasters don't look like much.
heheh! Been on it! But ive been on the floorless version! Its really good, but it hurts the rightside of your stomach!
That just looks really BAD!! How could any one go on that. I would throw up when it starts hang you for ages!
That looks horrible, I hate rides like that, not enjoyable one bit just torture in my opinion.

I would still have to ride it just for the pure fact I could say I went on it though :lol:
LMAO at how many empty seats there are, I wonder why! :p

Hmm, the first half of the ride (first two minutes) where it is spinning slower look Ok, but I would probably still feel abit sick. The second half where it starts spinning like mad upside down would just make me ill.

Unfortunately, curiousity kills the cat as they say, so me being stupid would probably end up having to ride it just to see if it was OK...and then feeling horribly sick and regretting it.
^ Lol, it is a Zamperla Energy Storm :p
Where did you go on it? I've never seen one travelling the fairs and it looks like the type of ride you would find at a fair.

I didn't know they had floorless versions, Insane.
Has anyone got any photos of that?
I'd still ride it for the flat ride credit, but as a whole I find flat rides dull now apart from drop towers and pendulums.
heheh! Been on it! But ive been on the floorless version! Its really good, but it hurts the rightside of your stomach!

Me to, I think it was the same type of ride, it was brilliant, best flat ever. They are very extreme (I think that was even the name of it).

I went straight on it and I never saw what it did so I dont really know until now what it looks like off ride.

I came off with such an adrenaline rush. I never got sick on a ride yet so I can handle very intense and spinny flat rides like this.

Half way through the ride it slows down and you think you are coming to a stop but then it goes twice as fast and then it gets way to intense by now you want to ride to stop because it is very intense.

I was held in a position like on a flying coaster for ages but my friend was held upside down for ages.

I wish I got a second ride on it.
I doubt I'd ride, just because I know I wouldn't enjoy it. I generally dislike rides that spin excessively, and It looks kinda boring.
^The ride is far from boring, I thought I was going to go flying into a wall every few seconds.

But if you get sick on rides I would not go on it because you will definatly get sick.
That looks way too pointless, but I'd go on it out of sheer curiousity. And it would make me feel grotesque! :-D
Yeah i would ride that, i would ride anything really i don't care.

I enjoy stuff like that, i might feel sick after but wont be sick. Its me i feel sick on rides but never am.
Martyn I think you mean adrenaline rush but meh....

I would not go on this even if you payed me a million pounds.