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Would You Rather

God, coasterboy, you're harsh! :P

Hmm... I'd go for the soup blender.

Would you rather sit naked on a block of ice for 24 hours or kick a brick wall hard enough to stub all five of your toenails?
Unsuccessful... at least I'd get into no trouble!

Would you rather scream "I worship Satan" in the Vatican, or have your toenails yanked out?
I'd go for the large flat-screen TV. Should be nice with a bit of Ketchup.

Would you rather spend the night in an abandoned insane asylum or kick the wall so hard you stub all your toenails?
Would you rather put a toothpick in between your big toe nail and kick a wall or have paper cuts all over your body and get in a bath of pure lemon juice?
Bath in the lemon juice, as I could have clothes on.

Would you rather get caught dancing atrociously by a very popular person or sneeze all over that very popular person?
sneeze all over that person. If the person is popular, they are most likely a jerk and they'd deserve it.

would you rather get shot in the chest or get hit by a spoon (vigorusly) until your day of death?
Well I suppose I'd eventually get used to the spoon.

Would you rather be immersed in a tank full of centipedes or consume a large quantity of mealworms?
Which one would kill me first?

Wear a Hawks jersey to a Nucks game or a Bears jersey to a Packers game?
Bears. Bring it fudge Packers!

Listen to Fran Drescher talk for eternity or look like Walter from the Super Bowl commercial with Bar Refaeli
Look like Walter then get plastic surgery.
Would you rather sit on top of a car going at 120mph with only a rail to hold on too or goaround a cliff or ride every flying coaster with no restraints?
What does the cliff thing mean? Flying coasters - good way to go, I suppose.

Would you rather jump into boiling water for 10 seconds or get punch in the sensitive regions for 10 minutes straight.
Punched in the sensitive regions, you were never too specific on how hard this punch was.

Would you rather be put to death slowly by a disease that tortures you while it eats your organs, or be read (and die from) Vogon poetry.