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Would You Rather


CF Legend
So yeah, I'm watching Kpopp's series Would you rather Where you are given 2 options and you have to pick one or the other. No compromise. Seems like an intersting thing to do here and I think we've had it before.

Now lets start in the most horrible way ever right from the recent video!!

Would you rather put a toothpick under your big toe and kick a wall or get a complex tattoo on your genitals?
Toothpick. For obvious reasons.

Would you rather bathe in hot camel diarrhea or bathe in freezing custard?
Freezing Custard.

Stay up all night on your own in a average temperatured room or sleep in a really cold tent in the middle of nowhere.
Stay up in average room. It's what I do pretty much every night anyway. ;)

Would you rather watch hardcore porn with your parents in the room or have your eyebrows shaved off for life?
The porn. Oddly...

Umm, go to Antartica, and stay with a T-Shirt and shorts for 5 minutes, or go to Brazil in the summer wearing winter gear for 3 hours?
This is a bad choice for me, as I'm a vegetarian. But, I'd go for the bacon.

Would you rather have to listen to Justin Bieber music for eighty years of your life or be blind for the rest of your life?
Bieber, I could put ear muffs on. At least it'll quieten it.

Be right up at the front of a pit at a concert getting punched and pushed in all dircetions or near the back where your safe but can't hear or see the band that well.
48 cookies. As previously mentioned, I'm vegetarian.

Would you rather eat a piece of constipated feces or drink a pint of milk with a expiry date of '23/9/1963'?
Erm... I'd go for the toenail jelly, should be easier to swallow straight down without it touching my tastebuds.

Burn all of your personal belongings or cut off your little toe?
Hard desicion but I can survive better without Theme parks. (plus, Travelling fairs aren't theme parks so we still have them :D )

Stick your head in a toilet full of poo or Jump of the top of Kingda Ka with only a small trampoline to stop your fall?
I'd go for the poo... at least it wouldn't kill me.

Die alone painlessly or die painfully in the arms of a loved one?