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Windseeker openings?

Those look like dampers, so it's not really a big deal I don't think. They'll have decided that they were stressing some component a bit too much so they've added those to reduce the stresses. Probably a pretty 'quick-fix' once they had established the problem/solution.
Update, I just got back from the Point, WindSeeker took on its first group of employee riders tonight shortly after the park closing, so hopefully CP's WindSeeker will be running soon!

FYI, looks absolutely brilliant at night!
I love the way it looks at night! Wonderland's has been open for a while, and though it was open when I was there yesterday, its reliability is just a nightmare. I saw it run maybe six times total throughout the day with passengers on it, and each time I went to ride it, it would close back down. Closest I got was one cycle away from riding, then it broke again so I gave up :P . It seemed to only want to do one or two cycles at a time.
(In case you hadn't heard) CP's WindSeeker finally opened last night!

Reliability was ok; it broke down once last night for opening but was back up after a quick 5 minutes. The real strain on capacity is the ride cycle, which is rather long. Great for riders, awful for those waiting in line!
See, I didn't think the ride cycle looked too long. It was back up and down in like, three minutes and only does maybe one or two spins when it gets to the top. They need to sort out their reliability issues, at least at Wonderland, before worrying about their capacity problems. At the rate they're going, only about 200 guests a day will be able to ride the damn thing :P .
Well, the ride cycle is three minutes on the nose, which gives it a capacity of 1,200 rph, same as the Giant Huss Frisbee's. So I guess by those means, you're alright. However, it just feels like loading takes longer, which adds to lag. Downtime will naturally do the same, but of course maXair was atrociously unreliable when it was built.
Yah I assume it's teething problems, and it was to be expected but it's still annoying haha. I have never seen MaXair closed, not even in 2005 when it first opened, but I suppose I wasn't there every day to know how bad it was.