Yep, absolutely Jerry. It's a choice of "go to the mall shopping (or whatever the UK equivalent is, Tesco maybe?)" or "go to a theme park". In terms of what is the best for the family, the theme park wins every time.
Actually, we do a lot more than theme parks, but I do love my coasters
Generally, I will tend to lean towards going somewhere because there's a coaster. However, I tend to spend very little time on the coasters, and more time doing all the other stuff. This may sound like a contradiction, but it really isn't. I don't care about going on the the Big Apple for my "Credz", I just love the atmosphere and magical feeling a decent park (even a tiny one) has.
Actually, for some parks I'm quite leaning towards "everything but the coasters". It's rare I ride a coaster at Alton now (special visits from foreigners an exception
). I'm happy to go to Thorpe and not ride a coaster... And Chessington... And Wicksteed... And, yeah the list goes on actually. It depends who I'm with and my mood, but when I arrive at a park, unless there's a new coaster I haven't been on before, I'm in no great hurry at the start to ride a coaster. I just let my mood take me.
However, when I was a teen, it was a very different story. If I wasn't getting a high of endorphins every five minutes at a park, it was a waste of time for me. I much prefer my attitude now. I still love the rush (Jerry can tell you how enthused I was to get back on Lightning Racer and Boulder Dash), but most of the time it's just something I don't need any more.
As the person with the car, driver's license and money for entry - the family do what I do