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What positive things have you got to look forward to in the near future?

Matt N

CF Legend
Hi guys. With all this coronavirus going around, the mood on the forums and in the world in general is pretty negative, so I thought I'd make a topic to lighten the mood a little. So my idea for this topic is; instead of worrying about what the outbreak could bring, let's have a think about some of the more positive things in our lives that we can really look forward to. So my question is; what have you got coming up in the near future that you're really looking forward to?

I'll start, as I definitely have some great things that I'm looking forward to:
  • Provided the park is open, I'm scheduled to go to Alton Towers on 28th & 29th March. I can't wait to get back on some of the park's rides for the first time since June last year, see what's new and just generally have a nice, fun weekend!
  • The new series of Friday Night Dinner starts on 27th March, and it looks fantastic from the promotional trailers!
  • While we're on the subject of TV, I always find Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway a fun watch, and I'm really looking forward to what the rest of the series will bring!
  • It's only a month until Easter; what's not to like about a nice family celebration with some chocolate involved?
So, what positive things have you guys got to look forward to in the near future?
Was supposed to go Scarecon but that’s provisional now because of corona.
Got Black Widow provisionally but corona.
Went to a concert last night.
Got a concert to see Billie Eilish in July.
Post Malone in July.
Ozzy Osbourne in October.
-Potentially Europa Park in three weeks with an old gang of mates
-Rage Against the Machine in August, last time they played the UK I saw them as a 15 year old with my dad so I can't wait to do it justice this time and get involved in the pits.
-Also looking forward to the weather getting warmer, potentially just a few weeks from that first t-shirt day of the year.
-I'm still in the honeymoon period with my job in the motorway control room, really enjoying it and each day brings something interesting.
Going to Australia at the end of the month. My original plan was Uzbekistan, but pretty much the only way to get there would be through Korea or Beijing and they've restricted entry from those places. Got free flights to Melbourne using airmiles instead. Still a couple of weeks for it to go tits up, but, so far, Australia isn't restricting entry from Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Government finally slipped through a public sector pay raise. It gets done every new tax year, but is usually passed by June/July. However, this year, the usual "stamp the paper" meeting went on for months since they didn't want the backlash of giving the police a pay raise, but also couldn't exclude them. Anyway, it's gone through now, so I'll get a 5% raise in this month's pay, BACKPAID TO APRIL, so pretty much a year's worth.

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Going to Australia at the end of the month. My original plan was Uzbekistan, but pretty much the only way to get there would be through Korea or Beijing and they've restricted entry from those places. Got free flights to Melbourne using airmiles instead. Still a couple of weeks for it to go tits up, but, so far, Australia isn't restricting entry from Hong Kong.
I wouldn't worry too much; Europe is now the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic, so I'd imagine if anywhere has a travel ban imposed, it'll be Europe. The situation does seem to be getting better in Asia, so hopefully they've seen the worst of it.

Are you planning on park visits in Australia, or is it more of a non-park visit?
I wouldn't worry too much; Europe is now the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic, so I'd imagine if anywhere has a travel ban imposed, it'll be Europe. The situation does seem to be getting better in Asia, so hopefully they've seen the worst of it.

Are you planning on park visits in Australia, or is it more of a non-park visit?
Non-park visit, but I'll grab the easy Melbourne creds providing the park is open. Won't be heading to the Gold Coast, even though there's some new stuff since I last went. Debating Perth, so if that happen, I'll hit the little park there.

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Hmmm let's see...

-Gift exchange for Secret Santa at uni? Delayed (again)
-Conference I was speaking at? Cancelled
-Birthday trip to Germany in April? Potentially postponed
-Being fully recovered from my surgery I had 3 weeks ago? That looks to be a while away still
-Hotel? Trivago.

Could be worse I guess ?
^^ I got the train from Perth across the country once (my point being that you can go via train from Melbourne to Perth). I thought it would be some great adventure, like you see on those TV shows or movies, traveling all that way across the vast expanses of nothing.

It is not.

Spent the first 9 hours sat next to some drunk (who got thrown off the train at the first stop (the last ****ty town in WA before you hit the zone of nothing)), then spent the rest of the trip (like a whole other day) just hating my life. Got to Adelaide and decided I was never going to do that again and booked flights the rest of the way.

TLDR; don't even think of going by train! :)


The things I was looking forward to in April have all now been cancelled, got a concert later this month which I expect to be cancelled, my holidays in May/June are looking a bit suspect, so just about the only thing worth looking forward to at the moment are Matt N's cheery posts! Keep it up Matt! :)
Hasn't been cancelled yet, but Jadu Heart is on the 25th and I'm hoping beyond hope that it goes off. Other than that, everything else has been postponed.
My late mother, despite repeated protestations that she "wasn't stupid enough to fall for that nonsense", had bucketloads of PPI policies on the go, which Barclays very kindly seem to be sending me refunds for. The most recent one dropped on the mat yesterday, quite a hefty one too.
Thanks mum! X
Some of that will be set aside for creds, it's just... at the moment I've no idea where or when.
Still, it's a positive thing to look forward to, eventually I guess. ?
Everything I was looking forward to has just been cancelled.. so can't say I have anything to look forward to right now.

Looking forward to finishing my contract in a retail job in a week and self isolating so don't risk getting the virus or putting my family at risk.
Non-park visit, but I'll grab the easy Melbourne creds providing the park is open. Won't be heading to the Gold Coast, even though there's some new stuff since I last went. Debating Perth, so if that happen, I'll hit the little park there.

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Aaaaaaaand nope.

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If I can't use my dollars, their exchange value seems to have soared over the last week :p

@Howie - not at Barclays, but spare a thought for us poor case handlers when you're enjoying your redress ;)
Like @Benenen I should be seeing RATM in August, it's far enough away that I have some hope!

Sadly apart from that all my other gigs/trips have been (or are likely to be) cancelled/postponed.

The one thing though that has been slowly growing is a back catalogue of video games I've been meaning to play. With no plans and self-isolation on the cards, I think finally loosing myself in some critically-acclaimed titles that have been gathering dust on the shelf will be a great way to kill some time.

Clutching at straws, but there's not a lot else we can do at this point. Keep spreading the positivity @Matt N. In our little community it's needed now more than ever!
Well, I am moving to Providence, RI this Aug to attend grad school at Brown University, so that has been one shining piece of good news I've been looking forward to, (even seems (at least some) classes will be in person).
Yeah...this idiot who rambles about coasters online with little regard for grammar, or sense at times, got the Ivy League to take him..didn't even bribe my way in!
This is not just exciting on the surface, but after years of being stuck, not one new avenue panning out, finally I feel like I can get into a career I want and will actually feel good about.

I'm currently in NJ, been nice to see the fam and Hershey is not far, and I'll be going with my bro in a few days.
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