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What kind of accent do you speak with?

I'm actually not sure what kind of accent I have. It's weird, but not everyone in Florida has a southern or redneck accent. I actually think its just like general american or midwest... idk though.
nealbie said:
That awkward moment when Jerry doesn't think he has the British stereotype of an American accent *turtle*
Oh Brits definitely think I have an American accent.
East Coast(er) General said:
...many Yanks ask what country I'm from...
No there is something different to Jerry's accent...

I speak with a nice countryside, posh accent . Although I'm picking up twangs of the West Midlands accent, which is fine, it's sexy on men <3 horrid on women though.

And regional accents really aren't dying...
Ben said:
West Midlands accent, which is fine, it's sexy on men <3 horrid on women though.
Cat Deeley?
Not sure... I used to just have a generic English one, but it's getting a bit more northern the more time i stay in Manchester. Used to have a cute little Somerset accent but that died when i moved up north, everyone thought i was a farmer so i think i just forced myself to speak normal english..
I've noticed that people from the particular part of Maidstone I live in (Bearsted) have a very distinctive accent from other people from Maidstone. It's considerably more obvious to me, as I'm not "native" to Bearsted. :p


10 years of Coventry (think heavily diluted brummie) mixed with 10 years of South West. People think I am pretty well spoken. I guess it's a mix of my really fast talking Coventry accent, and the slower drawl of the south west creating a balance.
This is what lots of people from my area sound like. Predictably kind of a hybrid of North Carolina & West Virginia.. a southern drawl with a little bit less twang than what you'd ordinarily hear in deep southern states like Mississippi or Alabama. Some local people have it much thicker, others very little:


I grew up in southwest Virginia, but since my parents weren't native to this area & don't have the accent, I personally don't speak with one most of the time either. Every now & then it can creep into my speech, though, especially if I'm talking with other people whose accent is more pronounced than mine. It also comes out in the way I say a handful of words (I pronounce "syrup" more like "sirrup," for instance) but usually, the only way that people can tell that I'm from the south is when I use a word like "y'all" or "soda" (rather than pop), which are both things that I say fairly often.

Also, even though I don't speak with a southern accent, I think it can be really attractive when a girl has a nice refined one. I think it's the most pleasant-sounding American dialect when the speaker doesn't slur their words & sound like a hillbilly.
Essex/London accent, but with slightly less 'twang' because of spending 3 years in Southampton, which I pronounce as spelled but my family pronounce as 'Saf amton'
Ian said:
^ And you can't say "air".

As this topic has resurrected, I thought I'd point out I still can't say air, or chair, or hair, or fairy.

People should be hearing my accent every week now anyway, or maybe I disguise it ;)
I don't think I have an accent. Well I'm from Portsmouth so I don't know if any southerners have an accent :p

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^ If you're from Pompey then you probably sound like Jamie Oliver, Lilly Allen and all those other mockneys.
Lottie. said:
I don't think I have an accent. Well I'm from Portsmouth so I don't know if any southerners have an accent :p

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Everyone's got an accent to some degree. If I were to venture a guess, yours would be some kind of British one. :wink: