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What is the best ride at beech bend park?


Roller Poster
I am wondering because I am planning to go to beech bend park in the summer of 2015. What do ya'll also think about them getting an air race?
Kentucky Rumbler <3

But I didn't really get a fair visit to the park. I only got to ride one of the coasters and their (now removed) drop tower. I was there for maybe an hour, during massive thunder storm in December of 2007 (but I got Kentucky Rumbler!) Based of their lineup I missed out on... I'd say outside of the coasters, I was sad I missed out on the SCATII (but I've ridden one elsewhere) and the dark ride as well....

As far as the Air Race goes, like I said in the other topic about it... Its pretty fun but nothing amazing. Its kinda static in the sense once you ride it, you won't wanna race around to ride it again and again.
After a while its kinda boring. For me, most flat rides get rather old fast if there isn't any free motion movement to them IE: repetitive.

Rides like a Top Spin, Power Surge, Zipper, Chaos.... rides that have a free flipping or spinning aspect tend to be more fun to me. Frisbee's are one of the few acceptations but they can also have variations in programs, while still being controlled.

And for the maybe 2 months Fun Spot America had their Air Race (raid) I rode it maybe 5 times... but I think only the first day it opened, I rode it more than once. (I've also ridden one at the Florida State Fair a few times, Strawberry Festival, and the one at Tivoli Gardens)
Why would it be open? We're in January so the park is probably covered in ice and snow.
Blackhole6670 said:
Well when the power surge at beech bend is open ( without weather conditions ), how much fun is it?

Well when the park is open why dont you ride it and find out?
How much fun is an air race ride? What kind of air race is at beech bend park, because it looks like a new version of the air race 8.2.
You might be sick after riding an air race, you might not. Everybody has different dispositions and tolerances. The best bet is to assume that EVERY ride in the entire world is amazing and worth riding. Ride everything you possibly can and if you don't like it, never ride that type of ride again. If you spend too much time worrying about the effect the ride will have on you, you'll end up talking yourself out of riding and you could miss out on something good.

Just ride!
Also, stay hydrated and eat well! Even a kiddie merry-go-round can get you dizzy and light-headed if you're dehydrated and your blood sugar is low. Riding a coaster while hungry or thirsty is pretty much guaranteed to make you feel slightly motion sick. So if you walk off a ride in a zigzag line and the world is spinning, check your general state of well-being before blaming it all on the ride.