Re: What is a ride that you wanted to ride but you could not
There were some spites during the years, but the one that I still wail a tad about is Sierra Tonannte. We've visited Mirabilandia twice back when it was still operating. First time, back in 2003, when I was 6, riding it wasn't even an option. I was too small, dad was sick and mom was never a fan of 'extreme thrills'. Then we've revisited the place 2 years later, that time with my older cousin. I did want to ride it that time around, but they had some funky age restriction posted (basically, you had to buy a full-price ticket to ride it), so, paired with a rather long queue, I have annoyed everyone else (bar my mum, who didn't wish to ride it anyways) not to ride it. It is something that still annoys me to this date, since I can guess that the age restriction was never really enforced there...
Other notable spites include: Montu (down for maintenance), Shockwave at Brean (technical difficulties) and a couple of creds I had to skip, since I was running a bit short on time (Avalanche in PBB, Green Lantern at SFMM).