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What happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH17?


Strata Poster
No, this isn't the same thread.

Just heard on the radio that another Malaysian Airlines flight is in trouble. This time apparently crashes in the Ukraine. News reports indicate it was shot down.

Over 200 people on board, don't know if any survived.
Shocking that a normal plane can get shot down like this.

It's the first time I can remember a plane getting shot down.

So far it looks like it was the pro russian people.

Why they are still flying over a war zone is beyond me, they will probably change the routes now.
If it was shot down then they'll try and work out if it was linked to MH370. If it wasn't shot down they'll try and work out if it was linked to MH370.

Malaysian Airlines really arn't in a good place. But at least they found this one.

Obviously another horrific air disaster. RIP to those onboard.
If they find out Russia have been supplying rebels with these weapons the **** going to hit the fan.
Rebels have been claiming they had shot down Ukrainian fighter jets and cargo planes in the past three days, and then this happened.

Yet they are denying any involvement. Ok. RIP to those involved.
I think the most realistic cause here is mistaken identity. Whether it be the rebels or the Ukranian forces they didn't recognise the aircraft and suspected it of being the enemy. But, surely the aircrafts they've been previous engaging with were flying a lot lower than 33,000?
CNN has been spewing out dozens of different reports over the past hour but their latest reports from the Adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry say that the plane, another Boeing 777, was shot down by Russian terrorists operating a surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile. Apparently all 295 aboard were killed in the incident.

RIP to those who were lost and my thoughts are with the families.
The tin foil hats (mine included) are out in full force. Pictures from the wreckage shows a black hole in the ground with no sign of a plane, but several bodies strewn about perfectly intact.

Not sure what the impact would be like falling from 33,000 ft but I'd imagine you wouldn't look like you are taking a nap.
A rather graphic thought; but, if they were sucked out of the aircraft during decompression they would still be intact. Some of the reports state that the wreckage and bodies stretch over a 9 mile radius.
Supposedly according to some sites, 23 Americans were on board and up to 10 Brits as well, with blame a bit all over the place but quite a lot think that Russian separatists are to blame. I feel this is going to end rather badly...
^Wow, Joshua, for once you are correct.

However, what does that have to do with what we're discussing here?
joshuadrooney said:
It's just a plane and some people you didn't know and would never have met.


And because of it we have increased odds of mutually assured destruction in WWIII. A limey fat **** like you should appreciate that history a little more than an American.
rtotheizzo17 said:
The tin foil hats (mine included) are out in full force. Pictures from the wreckage shows a black hole in the ground with no sign of a plane, but several bodies strewn about perfectly intact.

Not sure what the impact would be like falling from 33,000 ft but I'd imagine you wouldn't look like you are taking a nap.

Despite the large pieces of plane everywhere for 9 miles and people still in seats? The plane could have tried to land after being hit, but just crashed on impact? Come on now.
^How can there be large pieces of plane but an attempted landing? If the wreckage covers 9 miles it broke apart high up, probably when the missile tore thru it.

I am not sure how a plane can burn (you know metal and stuff), but the bodies not have scratches.
rtotheizzo17 said:
^How can there be large pieces of plane but an attempted landing? If the wreckage covers 9 miles it broke apart high up, probably when the missile tore thru it.

I am not sure how a plane can burn (you know metal and stuff), but the bodies not have scratches.

Obviously, I'm no expert on this, but instantly claiming it a conspiracy is a joke.

The leader of the rebels allegedly put something on social media bragging about shooting down a Ukrainian cargo plane 30 minutes before this happened. It was taken down shortly after for obvious reasons.

The rebels also took over a military base with anti air missiles...come on.
^^Lets say 30 kids are killed in school shootings a year (its probably more like 5 but I will humor you).

There are 74 million kids in the US age 0-17. The odds of my 9 month old getting shot are 4.05405E-07%. So yeah, if I send my kid to public school I wont worry about his head being blown off.