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Was 9/11 an inside job?

UC said:
And yet, we hear nothing of British colonialism...

I'm not going to diverge the topic from 9/11 conspiracy theories, but if you'd care to start throwing backhanded comments regarding atrocities, I'd be more than happy to discuss South Africa and India with you, though perhaps things like the slave trade monopolies are more your thing...?

It's easy to sit and say "yeah, but that all happened in the past..." Though I'd respond that the United States hasn't been around 250 years yet, and with regards to colonialism - the effects are still being felt around the world to this day.

Just make sure what you're saying is said face-to-face, not from a pedestal.
Oh I was never saying that Britain was any better! We raped half the world for a couple of hundred years with our empire. Britain has done just as many horrific things abroad, if not more than the United States. I'm not a nationalist.

But arguably the United States did more atrocities in the 20th century, simply because they became the most powerful country in the world, as we were in the 19th. Also I mention it as this topic is about a completely false horrific act of the United States, which is a bit silly to discuss as there's perfectly true atrocities it has committed instead. :)
I too am undecided. Funnily enough I am doing a presentation on this in school. The conspiracy about controlled devices is a very convincing argument, and it is plausible. There isn't enough information (from what I have read anyway) for me to decide.
TP Rich said:
Yes, World Trade Center 7 "collapsed":

Yet this building in China didn't:

What irritates me more than the corrup world we live in is the people who blatantly deny it.

Bumping this topic since the discussion spurred up again.

This picture might illustrate the point I'm trying to get across:

It basically shows the structure of WTC7 as seen from above. As you can see, it consists of a truss structure of steel coloumns. It can be described as a giant cage you build the entire building around, and makes for a relatively solid and light structure (as opposed to building like the current 1WTC, which has a solid concrete core on which the building's weight rests).

You might notice the lone coloumn labelled 79 there. This one becomes important later on.

During the fire, the temperature inside rose drastically. The fire insulation around the structural beams was designed to last 2-4 hours, relying on the fire being extinguished before then. As the fire was allowed to burn throughout the building for several hours, heat was trapped inside and the high temperature was sustained for a very long time. The impact damage from debris of the North tower's collapse didn't make things better either. You've probably heard several times that "steel doesn't melt below these temperatures!", which is true. However, structural steel is not in a chemically stable state. As the temperature rises, it will start to crystallize and eventually the carbon will be separated from the iron (and iron carbide, if you want to get technical). This is a slow process if it happens below the melting point, but there was ample time seeing as the fires weren't extinguished. The steel takes on a more stable state chemically, but not structurally. As a cause of this, coupled with the damage from debris from WTC1, some beams could no longer stand the pressure and started to fail. Parts of floors 8-14 "caved in", and with them the lateral supports holding coloumn 79 in place.

You've probably seen the cardboard core from an empty roll of aluminium foil or saran wrap or whatnot. Have you ever tried to put it upright and apply pressure to the upper end? It sure holds a lot of pressure before falling in. That is - unless you poke it from the side while pressing. Then it falls in on itself quite fast. As long as it's kept rigid by lateral support, a coloumn will behave much the same way. However, remove that lateral support, and it only needs a slight push before giving in. This happened to coloumn 79 too. A small push in the lateral direction, and the entire coloumn tumbled down. The weight it had carried was distributed to the remaining coloumns, which were not designed for that kind of load (and again, there was lots of structural damage already). They quickly failed too, distributing even more weight to even fewer coloumns, and so on. Keep in mind that this happens immediately after a coloumn fails - the structure doesn't hover in the air before settling on a place to distribute its weight. After less than a second, there were no more coloumns to distribute the load on, and the entire skyscraper came down. Floors 8-14 were likely the first to collapse, smacking into floors 0-7. Floors 15-47 fell almost freely before hitting the newly formed pile of debris, and the impact caused them to collapse as well.

Then onto the CCTV building, the Chinese one you spoke about. As the detailed investigation documents haven't been released yet, it's a little harder to comment on. I could point out that the building was made to withstand earthquakes, or that the load-bearing elements appear to have been made out of concrete, but it's no solid backup yet.
It could also be that the fire was allowed to rage freely outside the building, allowing it to "burn out" before a critical amount of heat got through the fire insulation. I haven't been able to find details on the structure of the building, but it evidently handled fires better than WTC7, which was constructed 25 years prior.

Either way, there is a logical explanation out there, if you just open your eyes to it. Read this topic, many good points have been made.
**** hell I'm actually **** ashamed that our education system in this country is producing people like him up there.
Now THIS is a thread I can really get into! :P

So to start off... yes! I'm with the 54% that do not believe that 9/11 was an Al-Qaeda attack and the 15% who were blessed with "common" sense that believe the US government were responsible.

I'm going to be really blunt and brief about this.

THIS building "collapsed" from THIS fire:

THIS building did NOT collapse from THIS fire:

This is an accurately scaled image of the "plane" which was reported as being flown into the pentagon in Washington DC.

Funny how the hole in the ground at the "crash site" of Flight 93 was there in 1994.

Of course, not to mention the explosions that took place floors down from the collapse.

Now, let's compare this to a non-covered up demolition:

So unless "Al-Qaeda" happened to put TNT in the twin towers to help them go down...

George **** Bush:
"I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower. The TV was obviously on. I used to fly myself and I said, 'There's one terrible pilot.'"

That's funny, considering the first crash wasn't broadcast on TV considering no news crews knew it was going to happen. Blatant lying at it's most obvious, there.

And here's an interesting article regarding the missiles fired from the nearby Woolworth Building: http://www.orbwar.com/woolworth/

If, after seeing this, you still believe that Al-Qaeda were responsible for the attacks... tell me why and explain to me in detail why you believe that all of the evidence above means nothing. If you don't explain them all, I'm afraid I really can't take you seriously.
So are all them building built the same way? Are all them building the same age? Are all them building maintained the same way?

It's already been shown why the building collapsed and what caused that so called explosion.

Honestly this is like people saying they did not land on the moon. There is more proof for it being an attack than against it. The terrorist party even admitted it and tried to blow the towers up years before.
I love conspiracy theories. Not because I believe them, I just find them interesting in proving the point that if you gather enough 'evidence' and put it together in a way that suits your theory, people will believe it and begin to question to obvious, logical explanation and as such another stream of sub-conspiracy theories derived from the original theory happen, which then leads people so far away from the truth they end up too confused to even begin to understand logic and reason.


TP Rich, just......I don't even know what to say.....

edit: See how cynical I've become since my OP XD


Yeah, obviously I don't believe the conspiracy theories, if I haven't said that already.
TP Rich said:
Now THIS is a thread I can really get into! :P

So to start off... yes! I'm with the 54% that do not believe that 9/11 was an Al-Qaeda attack and the 15% who were blessed with "common" sense that believe the US government were responsible.
Ha. Lol. :lol:

THIS building "collapsed" from THIS fire:

THIS building did NOT collapse from THIS fire:
Can you find us some more information about the second building? The construction method, materials, circumstances of the fire, type of building, what was inside the building? Without that, that picture means ****.

Of course, not to mention the explosions that took place floors down from the collapse.

Now, let's compare this to a non-covered up demolition:
Look how much dust/smoke is coming out of that TINY building due to those explosions. Maybe a one-story height smoke trail for a ~20 story building. Now look at the smoke coming from the twin tower, it's probably around the same size, if not a bit smaller. Do you have ANY idea how much explosive you'd need to do a controlled demolition of a building that big? Clearly... clearly not. Two small explosives on random floors? No. What about falling debris inside the building (after all, that is the moment the building starts to collapse)? Again, go find a video of a controlled demolition of a building that's 100 stories tall, then we'll compare detonations...

And here's an interesting article regarding the missiles fired from the nearby Woolworth Building: http://www.orbwar.com/woolworth/
Wait, and none of this was captured on 'proper' video? Even though there were hundreds, if not thousands, of cameras trained on the two buildings? Have you even looked at their analysis of the rockets? Blurry, grainy, **** CCTV footage? Does this mean you believe every UFO sighting filmed by crap cameras?

Now, I think you're a **** moron, you've not actually given any REAL evidence that it was an 'inside-job', however I'm not going to spend loads of my time finding the endless reams of information that proves you so horrifically wrong. I'm going to leave this to someone who is a little bit better at constructing the long arguments (looks at UC and furie), but be warned, you're going to get your ass handed to you.
Of course 9/11 was an inside job. In fact, the government even went as far as to print dollar bills depicting the fate of the towers:


I'm kidding of course, but I do love a good conspiracy theory ;)
And nobody has given me any actual evidence against my own. I don't know how you can expect me to take you seriously if you just say "UR AN IDOT" without any reasoning as to why your patriotic minds think this.
^No, I want further evidence (as in, actual facts and comparisons, not ones you've pulled out your arse) from your side of the story. Once you've done that we can get on with the debunking.
TP Rich said:
And nobody has given me any actual evidence against my own. I don't know how you can expect me to take you seriously if you just say "UR AN IDOT" without any reasoning as to why your patriotic minds think this.

That's the thing about obvious things.. they don't really need to be explained as they are kinda.. obvious? Of course, as Hixee pointed out, you have given us nothing besides basically calling us fools for not siding with you.
As nobody has given me any reason not to stand by my ground, I won't. Facts I've pulled out of my arse? Buildings collapsing from two floors on fire, 150 foot planes causing 80 foot holes in buildings, holes in the ground from "aeroplane crash sites" existing at least seven years before the "crash" and firefighters reporting missiles being fired from buildings are pretty difficult to pull out of my arse. Not one of reply to my post on this page has in any way attempted to "debunk" the truth, and if you're not going to, why should I take you seriously?
TP Rich said:
Now THIS is a thread I can really get into! :P

As long as we manage to keep it civil, me too! Great Engineering homework.

So to start off... yes! I'm with the 54% that do not believe that 9/11 was an Al-Qaeda attack and the 15% who were blessed with "common" sense that believe the US government were responsible.

I'd like to see sources on this, please.

I'm going to be really blunt and brief about this.

THIS building "collapsed" from THIS fire:

THIS building did NOT collapse from THIS fire:

Hixee made a fair point. Materials, construction technique, age, not to mention photography technique all have very much to say. I've been looking for info on the structure of the CCTV building, but couldn't find anything. Note, however, the massive concrete "stripes" running down the side of the building. If these are of great structural importance, it would allow the building to handle the fire better. They were exposed to open air when the fire raged, and the updraft from the inferno meant that air was constantly circulating around them as well. This would have caused a cooling effect, unlike the heat that was allowed to build up inside WTC7. Which, as previously mentioned, had been pelted with concrete slabs and burning debris beforehand. Your posted picture shows the fire from the relatively unharmed back side.

This is an accurately scaled image of the "plane" which was reported as being flown into the pentagon in Washington DC.

Funny how the hole in the ground at the "crash site" of Flight 93 was there in 1994.
What makes you think it was not a plane? Why would they be using anything but a plane?

Of course, not to mention the explosions that took place floors down from the collapse.

Now, let's compare this to a non-covered up demolition:

So unless "Al-Qaeda" happened to put TNT in the twin towers to help them go down...

Well, the WTC contained a fair chunk of air, which had to go somewhere when the towers collapsed. The top sections acted as giant pistons, pressing the air through the building, eventually with enough force to blow out windows on the lower levels. Also note that there were fires on lower floors too. Melted aliminium from the plane even ran down an elevator shaft in one of the towers, igniting whatever it hit. The picture is quite grainy, but I believe what we see is dust and smoke being pressed out of open windows as the tower collapses.

George **** Bush:
"I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower. The TV was obviously on. I used to fly myself and I said, 'There's one terrible pilot.'"

That's funny, considering the first crash wasn't broadcast on TV considering no news crews knew it was going to happen. Blatant lying at it's most obvious, there.

I'd like to see a source on this. Preferrably two independent, reputable sources. Anybody can throw out a statement saying "Bush said this". As Abraham Lincoln once said: "The main problem with quotes on the Internet is that it's hard to verify their origin"

And here's an interesting article regarding the missiles fired from the nearby Woolworth Building: http://www.orbwar.com/woolworth/

This argument makes the least sense of all. Think about it for a couple of seconds. Why would somebody, anybody bother with missiles when you've already got airplanes crashed into the buildings? I mean, the entire world's attention is focused on what's going on and the buildings are already badly damaged and on fire. Why the heck would anybody risk blowing the entire operation by smuggling missiles into an office building just to fire them at buildings already going down? That's adding a huge amount of risk for practically no gain at all. And what would you possibly use them for, that you haven't been able to do with the airplanes already?

If, after seeing this, you still believe that Al-Qaeda were responsible for the attacks... tell me why and explain to me in detail why you believe that all of the "evidence" above means nothing. If you don't explain them all, I'm afraid I really can't take you seriously.

Okay: Now telling you why:

Al-Qaeda had, for YEARS already been launching attacks at the US, many of which probably failed and we'll never get to know their details. However, they were successful in blowing up the US embassy in Kenya, attacking the USS Cole, and detonating a car bomb in the basement of the WTC. And they've admitted the attacks and celebrated them as a victory ever since. There are a lot of people out there devoted to fight the US until the bitter end, believing they will be rewarded in Heaven for their sacrifice. While the suicidal, plane-crashing aspect is lacking mostly everywhere else, you'll come across Westerners believing in eternal reward if they dedicate their lives to fighting abortion, homosexuals or other "sins". They aren't exactly hard to find.

There would be too many people involved with rigging the event. One guy with a loose mouth, and Bush would have the mother of all scandals coming up. A humongous risk to take for what gain, exactly? The Afghanistan war has costed the US a lot of lives, money and reputation. If, and this is a huge big IF, the US were behind the attacks, I believe they would be carried out by bribing Al-Qaeda into flying planes into high-profile American buildings, and making sure they wouldn't be stopped at the security gate. That would really be the easiest way to do it.

Probably will be writing more later, I don't have an endless supply of time.
"I'd like to see a source on this", "I'd like to see a source on that". Are you unable to spend a few seconds of your life typing this stuff into Google?

Poll source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/09/ ... 6620080910
Quote source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpQdrBblw-c

Literally took me less than twenty seconds to get both of these links. If you can't be arsed to do any research, then 'debunking' the truth is no occupation for you.

The fact that a plane apparently crashed into possibly the most guarded building on Earth, and the only video released to the public was a 0.5 fps crappy video that doesn't even show a plane is quite remarkable. Not to mention the fact that the plane was 150 feet wide, compared the the 80 foot gap it made.

You haven't even bothered trying to "debunk" the proof that the "crash impact" of Flight 93 was actually there as far back as 1994, probably even before that.

I don't understand why you feel the need to stick up for everything the governments say - what good have they done to the world? And isn't it **** convenient how this dispicable government attack ended up with the USA stealing **** of oil from the Middle East?

And your description of the "collapse" is not backed up with any evidence. A diagram means nothing. Considering the photographs and videos that are flooding the internet all show just a few floors of the building on fire, there's no way that this could melt steel and crush concrete - and even if it did - it wouldn't fall into a beautifully neat pile like the controlled demolition it was.
TP Rich said:
without any reasoning as to why your patriotic minds think this.

What the bloody hell are you going on about you babbling buffoon? In case you hadn't noticed, MOST of the people posting in this topic calling you an idiot are NOT American, so patriotism has nothing to do with it. It's more down to the fact that the majority of people trying to explain that the conspiracy theory is **** to you are actually all quite intelligent human beings, many of whom study/work in engineering, etc, so have the expertise to point out the flaws in the conspiracy theory.

And when people ask for a source, it's not them being lazy. It's down to you, if you really care that much, to provide a source to anything you say to make it eligible as evidence. Otherwise you could just spout of any old crap.

And surely you must realise that these conspiracy theories are put together so that it does seem obvious that this is really what happened? Otherwise nobody would believe them would they?