Mega Poster
Adventure World is the first name I would call my Planet Coaster park if I have no interest in taking time to come up with an original name and just want to go full Sandbox. With this name the park can just go any direction. The park can have a bright future, but Disney should watch out the park isn't going to be a second Disneyland Main Park with just random IP themed rides everywhere.So the park's gone from having no real identity of its own... to having no real identity of its own. Can't wait to plan the road trip from World of Adventures in Chessington to Adventure World in Paris!
What confuses me is that they've dropped any reference to the movies in the name but doubled down on the concept in the new front half of the path. Something like Disney's Cinemagique Parc would've fit a lot better while still moving on from the cheap studio park feel but ah well, I'm sure we'll all get used to it.