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Donkey in a hat
Do we have any vapers in da house?

I was going to create a poll, but vaping is such a wide topic I wasn't sure what question to ask, so I just figured I'd create a general discussion thread.
Things like, fairly obviously, do you vape?
If so, why? Was it to help you quit cigarettes, or do vape for the pleasure of vaping?
If it was to quit the fags, did it work?
How long have you been vaping?
What kit have you got?
What flavour juices are you digging?
Cloud chaser or flavour chaser?

Also, what are your thoughts on the health implications of vaping?
Is vaping addictive?
Since swapping cigarettes for vape, do you feel any different?

See? I told you it was a wide topic.
So, fellow vapers, over to you.

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