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Valleyfair Annoucement Sept 12th

The Beast

Roller Poster
Valleyfair is making a "capital improvements" annoucement on Saturday 12th. It's also the parks 40th anniversary in 2016. Anyone know what they might have planned out for next year? Capital means some big improvements for the park. Not expecting a new roller coaster but maybe another water park expansion and a Larson Flyers or a new thrill ride. Possibly bring back something's on what the park had in 1976.
I can see a thrill/family ride(s?) to the park. Maybe a set of Flying Scooters and possibly a Frisbee-type ride? Or maybe, just maybe, relocate Shockwave here? Other than that I'd say minor park improvements.

Also, didn't the park have plans to remove Excalibur and add a waterpark gate?
It's a really good rumor about Excalibur leaving in a few years. The rumor is to remove Excalibur for a new parking lot and have a new service road go around the edge of the park and there is also plans for a new employee parking lot. They need to remove Excalibur to make room for a very large water park expansion and taking out Hurricane Falls and relocating Looping Starship to the front of the park to make room for a new water slide tower more tube slides and maybe a giant tornado bowl or a hydro blaster come back but they will have to move Looping Starship somewhere else because it's in the way. The plan is to redo the entire back of the park because there's nothing back there the only problem is its wetland area need to get permits approved possibly from the government.
The Beast said:
another water park expansion

Again? They literally JUST HAD ONE!

GuyWithAStick said:
I can see a thrill/family ride(s?) to the park. Maybe a set of Flying Scooters and possibly a Frisbee-type ride?

They added the Route 66 area a couple years ago, I hope we at least see a thrill ride.

The Beast said:
It's a really good rumor about Excalibur leaving in a few years. The rumor is to remove Excalibur for a new parking lot and have a new service road go around the edge of the park and there is also plans for a new employee parking lot. They need to remove Excalibur to make room for a very large water park expansion and taking out Hurricane Falls and relocating Looping Starship to the front of the park to make room for a new water slide tower more tube slides and maybe a giant tornado bowl or a hydro blaster come back but they will have to move Looping Starship somewhere else because it's in the way. The plan is to redo the entire back of the park because there's nothing back there the only problem is its wetland area need to get permits approved possibly from the government.

I will be very upset if they go through with this and don't add a new coaster. Their last one (not counting planet snoopy) is almost ten years old! If we don't see something for the 2017 season...
I think well see some new flat rides next season. Frisbee, Star Flyer and a Larson Flyers. My speculation in 2017 will start to see some new footers for a new coaster because Renegade 2007 was our last coaster we are within two years for a new coaster going on ten years now. Don't forget about the dark ride. Cedar Fair has plan's to add a new dark ride at all Cedar Fair park's. The location at Valleyfair for a dark ride I think were the amphitheatre sits that land space is big enough for one. Sooner or later before the amphitheatre gets torn down. Also I think you will see Valleyfair do more water park expansion in the next few seasons because it will be a big investment for them.
The Beast said:
I think well see some new flat rides next season. Frisbee, Star Flyer and a Larson Flyers. My speculation in 2017 will start to see some new footers for a new coaster because Renegade 2007 was our last coaster we are within two years for a new coaster going on ten years now. Don't forget about the dark ride. Cedar Fair has plan's to add a new dark ride at all Cedar Fair park's. The location at Valleyfair for a dark ride I think were the amphitheatre sits that land space is big enough for one. Sooner or later before the amphitheatre gets torn down. Also I think you will see Valleyfair do more water park expansion in the next few seasons because it will be a big investment for them.

I don't like dark rides :(

I hope we will see one in 2017, and the Northern Lights thing didn't count as a coaster! If it did that means we might not be seeing another real coaster until 2024
I'm guessing...

2016: remove Excalibur, waterpark expansion that direction + new employee lot, 1-2 flat rides. It is their 40th anniversary after all, so not out of the question to see additions to both the waterpark and the amusement park.

2017-19: A major coaster, ideally something B&M with inversions like a smaller wingrider or dive machine. There's potential for a gate redesign if they removed the underused amphitheatre space and a good bit of the way-too-big parking lot near High Roller. One of these years I bet will be a dark ride as well, and one will be a quiet year like 2015. I would not be shocked to see a western theme. Have they filled the old IMAX lot yet?

The biggest hole the park has right now is the lack of a quality steel coaster with inversions (Corkscrew...). Flat ride selection is not too bad compared to some other parks, but IMO almost every park could use a bunch of quality flat rides. Removing Excalibur for the sake of the waterpark makes sense to me since that corner of the park is so isolated and weird and Excalibur is so mediocre and that's the most logical direction for the waterpark to expand anyway.

Personally I would really love for them to start a shuttle route to MOA Station and maybe the new Golden Triangle Station when SWLRT opens. Mystic Lake has been doing this for years. Currently it's literally impossible to visit Valleyfair without a car. A connection to MOA Station would provide an easy solution for people flying in from out of town (MOA is like 4 stops south of MSP Terminal 2 and the Blue Line goes straight downtown) as well as people like me who live in central Minneapolis and don't own a car.
Annoucement coming on Friday. Valleyfair just tweeted. Guess they want to make it a day early. The old imax theatre is gone for the water park expansion. My guess for there new attractions for 2016 will be a Lardon Flyers and a Mondial Revolution ride like the one at Kings Dominion maybe another water park expansion. Count down to Friday :).
Annoucement is delayed till next week. Valleyfair did get permits approved for the amphitheater so it looks like it maybe finally coming down to make room for a new ride possibly a frisbee like the one Kibgs Dominion is getting. GM Frazier said the amphitheater does not meet code for it to stay open plus hasn't been on the parks map for three years now.
^At least you guys get a NEW ride. Here at SFGAm for our 40th season, we got 3 used kids rides, and barely noticeable repaints. At least we lost the biggest eyesore in park history finally.

I'm glad that more parks are getting Flying Scooters. They're great little family additions.
That's true enough, and to be honest anything's 40th anniversary is not really much of a landmark, but SFGAm has definitely been much more fortunate than Valleyfair as far as new additions in the last couple decades. Granted SFGAm serves both Chicago and Milwaukee, which is something like 11 million people. Minneapolis is the same size as Seattle though, it's quite a large and significant city, and Valleyfair's market has to be easily 5-6 million. The biggest coaster news we've had in the Twin Cities since Nick Universe opened 7 years ago is that the kiddie park at the public zoo in St. Paul got a Zyklon Galaxi this year.

2017 or 2018 we'll get something. Probably... Someday...