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US Election; what are your thoughts?

Matt N

CF Legend
Hi guys. As many of you probably know, the US Election happened on Tuesday. However, the result is still not yet known, and for a number of reasons, this election will perhaps go down in American history as one of the most contentious ever fought. So I’d be intrigued to know; what are your thoughts on the election?

Who did you support; were you in favour of a new president in Joe Biden, or were you rooting for 4 more years of Donald Trump? Or did you support another candidate entirely, such as Kanye West?

What do you think will happen from here? Do you think Biden will win as the polls currently suggest, or will Trump make a last-minute recovery? Or will the result end up getting contested in the courts?

What do you think a win for each candidate would mean for the next 4 years in American history?

I’d just be really intrigued to know some of your thoughts, as this is a very pressing issue at the moment. I’ll put an anonymous poll in as well, to see how the forum would have voted.

Personally, if I was American and eligible to vote, I would have gone for Biden and the Democratic Party, as I personally feel like his policies and the things the Democrats stand for in general personally align with my political views far more than what Trump and the Republicans stand for. I admit that from a British perspective, the Republican incumbent may possibly have benefitted Britain more than Biden, what with Johnson’s strong bond with Trump and Trump’s comparative willingness to form a trade deal with Britain, but I think from a general perspective, I would personally have supported Biden.

In terms of who will win, my personal prediction is that Biden will win, and possibly with more Electoral College votes than initially predicted. He’s currently leading in most of the states that are yet to declare a winner, and those postal votes are bound to favour him. Even states that were traditionally Republican, such as Georgia and Arizona, seem to be leaning towards Biden. But I could be wrong; Trump could still win here.

So, what are your thoughts on this most interesting American election? I apologise if this is a bit too much of a controversial topic to make a thread about, but I was just really interested to hear people’s thoughts, both from within America and outside.
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Not really one to ever get into political discussions normally... but also, basically, Trump is a joke and an embarrassment to the Country.

But I would love to hear honest European thoughts on him. I'm sure there must be some who like him but in my head I feel like hes as much of a joke to the rest of the world as he is to a good number of people here.
Trump is an idiot but he’s entertaining. It’s probably in the UK’s interest that Trump wins, because we’d probably get a better and quicker post-Brexit trade deal.
Trump is an awful embarrassment, manchild and a danger to democracy, people's lives, the environment and common decency. The fact he even got 4 years is ridiculous. Thank goodness its seems he's finished. Biden can only be better in every regard, even if his task of bringing together the US is an extremely difficult one, he'll do his best. As for international relations that can also only get better considering the US has been a laughing stock for 4 years now and only cosy with awful regimes and dictators.
As for Brexit good. Its ridiculous that a country is shooting itself in the face like that anyway and anything that makes Boris' recklessness more difficult to get through and hopefully protect the Irish border is good. Sorry English people.
But Pennsylvania just pulled through, so now all we have to do is watch that embarrassment whine for 2 months.
Starting with Guiliani's press conference yesterday. Pure comedy gold. A bunch of lawyers in the parking lot of a suburban garden centre, between a crematorium and an adult bookstore. That's the kind of setting you'd expect from a joke candidate who ran because of a bet, wore a silly costume throughout the campaign, got a surprising amount of media attention but only 436 votes, and concluded the whole joke with a lunch break press conference outside of the place were he works. Not from the legal team of the incumbent President of the United States.
@BuckeyeWarrior27 - this is a growing issue throughout Europe, especially in France, Germany and United Kingdom.

A massive rise in far right and far left politics, where right now - there just needs to be a middle ground.

On to the subject of trump, I do feel if Covid-19 wasn't around; then he would have been voted in for his 2nd term.
On to the subject of trump, I do feel if Covid-19 wasn't around; then he would have been voted in for his 2nd term.
Worryingly I agree... I also think that there is some basis to him being upset that Pfizer announced a few days after the election... Not that I think that was deliberate or anything, but I think he would have been able to politicize the announcement to gain votes. His administration did after all invest heavily into the project... Just about the only thing they can be praised for.

Other than that, yeh, Trump's a twat.
His administration did after all invest heavily into the project... Just about the only thing they can be praised for.
They did. Kinda.

Then again, that won't have stopped his administration saying that, which is probably all that matters...

Oh and for the record, Trump is a ****er.
They did. Kinda.

Then again, that won't have stopped his administration saying that, which is probably all that matters...

Oh and for the record, Trump is a ****er.
Yeh I just read an article on the whole ‘Project warp speed’ and the truth behind it.

Haven’t read your link but the one I read says that at best the money given to these vaccine developers can be seen as ‘an advance’ on the purchase of future doses, which can be used for research and development.

Does the above say the same?

Not really any glory to claim then, in fact it seems more a case of ‘ensuring we get x amount first.’ Than advancing research for the good of mankind ?
Yeh I just read an article on the whole ‘Project warp speed’ and the truth behind it.

Haven’t read your link but the one I read says that at best the money given to these vaccine developers can be seen as ‘an advance’ on the purchase of future doses, which can be used for research and development.

Does the above say the same?

Not really any glory to claim then, in fact it seems more a case of ‘ensuring we get x amount first.’ Than advancing research for the good of mankind ?

The best part is Pfizer specifically refused to be part of warp speed so his claim of victory on that front is fraudulent anyways
I just watched Trump's unhinged 46-minute Facebook video from last Wednesday. This bit in particular stood out.

Most states allowed anyone to get an absentee ballot and cast their ballot without showing any ID. The voting took place entirely on the honor system. No identification of any kind was required. [...] This is a national disgrace. No other country conducts elections this way. Many European countries have instituted major restrictions on mail-in voting specifically because they recognise the nearly unlimited potential for fraud. Out of 42 European nations all but two prohibit absentee ballots entirely for people who reside inside the country or else they require those who need absentee ballots to show a very, very powerful ID.

I can't be arsed checking the laws regarding mail-in ballots in the rest of Europe, but at least one of the two European nations he's referring to is the U.K. Want to vote by post? Send us a copy of your signature then. No ID of any kind required, let alone a "very, very powerful" one.

I reckon Trump's head might explode if he found out what happens if you want to vote in person in the U.K. You turn up at the polling station and give your name and address, it's ticked off a paper list and you're given the ballot paper. No ID required.

And here's the funny bit - in all the voting booths countrywide, you're supplied with a pencil to mark your vote.

A freakin' PENCIL!

If that happened in 'Murica we'd probably be currently hearing about the "Erasergate scandal" ?
In another development, Joe Biden has enough electors to gain the presidency now as even if drama happens in non-certified states, the states that have certified their results now add up to 279 electoral college votes, pushing him over the threshold of 270.

If all states that Biden won certify their results, he will have 306 EC votes, while Trump will have 232. Interestingly, this is an exact reversal of 2016’s result, where Trump had 306 and Clinton had 232.
Oh hell, we have to go through this crap again in a few months. Not speaking either way, but I am sad Desantis is out since him yelling at Dinsey on a national level would be the highlight of my 15 years. I don't care who wins, neither one is a prize. Great idea...Dolly Parton for president.