Strata Poster
Re: Up The 'Merica : Now with actual "report" starting!
Tuesday 27/5: Dollywood
So having driven up to Pigeon Forge yesterday afternoon, it was only a short trip out
to Dollywood this morning (more on Pigeon Forge itself tomorrow).
Rather amusingly just as I parked the car, one of my mates from back home just phoned me
up for a chat - "where are you" he joked, "tennessee" being the answer rather took him aback
and I had to explain to him that the Dollywood theme park was not a park where everything
was themed to Dolly Parton, just one owned by her (not 100% sure he believed me though).
This was a new park for me, so I was all-goony excited for today - the park itself (once
you get out of Pigeon Forge itself) is set amongst rather nice scenery - rolling hills
and the Smoky mountains in the background.
I knew what all the rides looked like, but not really how the park was put together, so
I found myself wandering up the "craftman's valley" bit of the park
in search of the coasters
The park layout is kinda a big triangle then - the older part at the park entrance, then
a long trek down this "craftman's valley" full of craft stalls and then a newer valley
that takes you back to the start (and along the newer valley is where the big new stuff
lives). Quite spread out then, the vibe obviously very similar to the original sister park
Silver Dollar City in Missouri (but SDC is more compact I think).
At the end of that first valley I find the first coaster, the old Blazing Fury
its more dark-ride than coaster though I thought - interesting enough and I preferred it
to its cousin at SDC I think, but nothing to get too excited about.
Fortunately a little further on around the park is what thought I was really here for...
the rather impressive looking Wild Eagle that sits atop of the hill that fills
the middle of that park "triangle" I was whittering on about earlier...
The place is empty today (apparently it was rammed over the weekend before so I feel
quite smug with my planning)
I'm actually a bit disappointed with this though - I've ridden Stealth and GateKeeper and
enjoyed both (Stealth because it was my first wing-coaster I guess and GK because it was
so much bigger and better) and I was expecting a lot from this ride, and it was a bit "meh"
I felt - didn't live up to the (my!) expectation or perhaps how good it looks from afar?
Not that its bad - its fun enough and a good ride, just not as great as I'd hoped.
Opposite Wild Eagle is the new-for-2014 ride FireChaser Express ; supposedly "only"
a family coaster but built up on the side of a hill and all looking very nice and
impressive to me!
Theres a short Q, but immediately they have to stop the ride as someone has lot their
breakfast on the train - oops. Its takes them a while to do the clean-up and they joke
that this is not an uncommon occurrence; hmmm maybe not so family then?
Eventually I get on and the ride is a lot of fun - certainly a very good ride, launched
out of the station well, big lift hill, lots of sweeping around up high on the hill, silly
show-building (silly:fun rather than silly:silly) and a fun backwards launch. Win all round
I think!
(was a bit concerned from the POVs that stacking would be an issue with this - that the
incoming train seemed to spend a long time on the brake run before the new train is
set off. But I saw no sign of this at all that day, quite often the crew were waiting around
after despatch for the incoming train. Good work.)
Next up was the Arrow looper Tennessee Tornado, which I thought might cause more pain
than it did. And "looper" is the right description for this since it doesn't really do much
else. After a long lift up into the trees, the train circles back on itself before it
starts the drop into a tunnel and the first loop...
(thought I took more pics of this to be honest, seems not!)
After that big first loop, it swoops around a bit then does another two back to back loops
and then its done. Fast, short, not too bad, over very quick though.
I head down the rest of the newer section of the park towards the remaining big coasters,
past a big splash battle thing
Next up for me is Mystery Mine, something else I was quite looking forward to - I
didn't know too much about it apart from it being a messed up euro-fighter so most of what
it did was a surprise to me.
It was good - I didn't even realise it had two indoor vertical lifts (and you don't see either
from the outside - obv. the big one is in the themed building in that pic ^^ but that had
just not occurred to me before I rode it!
So "just" a euro-fighter and suffers from the same things most normal euro-fighters do;
uncomfortable restraints / head-banging a bit / very tight restraints even on me so not
sure how larger people (lots were being denied as they boarded) or 'healthy' women cope
with them! But the indoor-nature of parts of the ride and the surprise (to me) sections
made it all pretty good I thought.
Last big coaster is down the hill a little from the mine and nestled in a little valley
all of its own; Thunderhead
and its rather splendid - nice big hill, zooming down one side of the valley it sits
in and banking around to zoom up and around the next, lot of fast direction changes
and pops of G forces - great stuff.
even if it does have a silly station fly-through
Had to Q a while for my first ride on it tho' - the Q had built up while they dealt with some
incident (whether biological or mechanical I don't know) and it takes may 30mins to get
on the thing... but by the time I've ridden, the Q has vanished and its walk-on - so of
course I do that for a while.
Great stuff.
I've barely seen the front of the park yet so complete the park-circuit and head on there.
The train ride was departing just as I got near it so I hop on that. And this is a proper
train ride not like the pretend stuff in many-a-park;
it does a huge loop outside the park boundaries and takes a fair while of time to do it (think
the train only runs hourly in fact).
After the very pleasant train experience I have a wander around the front bit of the park.
Its a bit rubbish compared to the newer back section though - lots more things in the front
than the back, but of dubious quality. There are a couple of distinct themed areas, a
country fair area with quite a few flat rides
which I don't often bother with, so I didn't, and the parks remaining coaster Sideshow Spin
which I may have ridden, but you can't prove that.
Another section is kinda-50s themed, kinda-Dolly themed and there was barely anyone in there
at all. I didn't do the (any) shows you'll not be surprised to hear.
Some cause-and-effect here?
I spend the afternoon wandering around the park again grabbing some re-rides and some of the
other stuff I'd wandered past in the morning.
I rerode Firechaser at one point and had another delay on it, this time not because of
any vomit-based-issues but rather than someone had seen a snake in the show-building,
so they had to clear him out before they sent anyone round. Was only a little snake they
There is a rather dull birds of prey presentation I sat through most of;
and a nice big Screamin' Swing ride (aka "Barnstormer") up on a hill
As you can see, only half of that was running for some reason.
Next door to that Barnstormer thing was this 'Mountain Sidewinder' thing - where people
were riding these boat-type things down a tube on some water;
Looked interesting so had a go - you had to trek up the hill a way to get to the station
and then you are put into a group of riders and you are all weighed (!!!!) before they
let you on the boat thing. Its rather 'intimate' on the boat sat between, around the
person next to you - there are no restraints at but you are told to not let go of the
grab handles and to not rock the boat... then they set you off downhill in this tube
flowing with water and you pick up a lot of speed, hurtling around bends at angles that
make you think you are going to capsize (not kidding!) until you splash out at the end
(which is the only bit I have a photo of). Madness and very "old-school"
Didn't ride the rapids - they looked a bit dull (and wet).
So all in all, a nice park, some great bits, some less-than-great though, but a fine day out!
(don't see "Dolly" on the mugs at other parks do you!)
One processed pic from today that I have done;

Tuesday 27/5: Dollywood
So having driven up to Pigeon Forge yesterday afternoon, it was only a short trip out
to Dollywood this morning (more on Pigeon Forge itself tomorrow).

Rather amusingly just as I parked the car, one of my mates from back home just phoned me
up for a chat - "where are you" he joked, "tennessee" being the answer rather took him aback
and I had to explain to him that the Dollywood theme park was not a park where everything
was themed to Dolly Parton, just one owned by her (not 100% sure he believed me though).

This was a new park for me, so I was all-goony excited for today - the park itself (once
you get out of Pigeon Forge itself) is set amongst rather nice scenery - rolling hills
and the Smoky mountains in the background.

I knew what all the rides looked like, but not really how the park was put together, so
I found myself wandering up the "craftman's valley" bit of the park

in search of the coasters

The park layout is kinda a big triangle then - the older part at the park entrance, then
a long trek down this "craftman's valley" full of craft stalls and then a newer valley
that takes you back to the start (and along the newer valley is where the big new stuff
lives). Quite spread out then, the vibe obviously very similar to the original sister park
Silver Dollar City in Missouri (but SDC is more compact I think).
At the end of that first valley I find the first coaster, the old Blazing Fury

its more dark-ride than coaster though I thought - interesting enough and I preferred it
to its cousin at SDC I think, but nothing to get too excited about.
Fortunately a little further on around the park is what thought I was really here for...

the rather impressive looking Wild Eagle that sits atop of the hill that fills
the middle of that park "triangle" I was whittering on about earlier...

The place is empty today (apparently it was rammed over the weekend before so I feel
quite smug with my planning)

I'm actually a bit disappointed with this though - I've ridden Stealth and GateKeeper and
enjoyed both (Stealth because it was my first wing-coaster I guess and GK because it was
so much bigger and better) and I was expecting a lot from this ride, and it was a bit "meh"
I felt - didn't live up to the (my!) expectation or perhaps how good it looks from afar?

Not that its bad - its fun enough and a good ride, just not as great as I'd hoped.
Opposite Wild Eagle is the new-for-2014 ride FireChaser Express ; supposedly "only"
a family coaster but built up on the side of a hill and all looking very nice and
impressive to me!

Theres a short Q, but immediately they have to stop the ride as someone has lot their
breakfast on the train - oops. Its takes them a while to do the clean-up and they joke
that this is not an uncommon occurrence; hmmm maybe not so family then?

Eventually I get on and the ride is a lot of fun - certainly a very good ride, launched
out of the station well, big lift hill, lots of sweeping around up high on the hill, silly
show-building (silly:fun rather than silly:silly) and a fun backwards launch. Win all round
I think!

(was a bit concerned from the POVs that stacking would be an issue with this - that the
incoming train seemed to spend a long time on the brake run before the new train is
set off. But I saw no sign of this at all that day, quite often the crew were waiting around
after despatch for the incoming train. Good work.)
Next up was the Arrow looper Tennessee Tornado, which I thought might cause more pain
than it did. And "looper" is the right description for this since it doesn't really do much
else. After a long lift up into the trees, the train circles back on itself before it
starts the drop into a tunnel and the first loop...

(thought I took more pics of this to be honest, seems not!)

After that big first loop, it swoops around a bit then does another two back to back loops
and then its done. Fast, short, not too bad, over very quick though.
I head down the rest of the newer section of the park towards the remaining big coasters,
past a big splash battle thing

Next up for me is Mystery Mine, something else I was quite looking forward to - I
didn't know too much about it apart from it being a messed up euro-fighter so most of what
it did was a surprise to me.

It was good - I didn't even realise it had two indoor vertical lifts (and you don't see either
from the outside - obv. the big one is in the themed building in that pic ^^ but that had
just not occurred to me before I rode it!

So "just" a euro-fighter and suffers from the same things most normal euro-fighters do;
uncomfortable restraints / head-banging a bit / very tight restraints even on me so not
sure how larger people (lots were being denied as they boarded) or 'healthy' women cope
with them! But the indoor-nature of parts of the ride and the surprise (to me) sections
made it all pretty good I thought.

Last big coaster is down the hill a little from the mine and nestled in a little valley
all of its own; Thunderhead

and its rather splendid - nice big hill, zooming down one side of the valley it sits
in and banking around to zoom up and around the next, lot of fast direction changes
and pops of G forces - great stuff.

even if it does have a silly station fly-through

Had to Q a while for my first ride on it tho' - the Q had built up while they dealt with some
incident (whether biological or mechanical I don't know) and it takes may 30mins to get
on the thing... but by the time I've ridden, the Q has vanished and its walk-on - so of
course I do that for a while.

Great stuff.
I've barely seen the front of the park yet so complete the park-circuit and head on there.
The train ride was departing just as I got near it so I hop on that. And this is a proper
train ride not like the pretend stuff in many-a-park;

it does a huge loop outside the park boundaries and takes a fair while of time to do it (think
the train only runs hourly in fact).

After the very pleasant train experience I have a wander around the front bit of the park.
Its a bit rubbish compared to the newer back section though - lots more things in the front
than the back, but of dubious quality. There are a couple of distinct themed areas, a
country fair area with quite a few flat rides

which I don't often bother with, so I didn't, and the parks remaining coaster Sideshow Spin
which I may have ridden, but you can't prove that.

Another section is kinda-50s themed, kinda-Dolly themed and there was barely anyone in there
at all. I didn't do the (any) shows you'll not be surprised to hear.

Some cause-and-effect here?

I spend the afternoon wandering around the park again grabbing some re-rides and some of the
other stuff I'd wandered past in the morning.
I rerode Firechaser at one point and had another delay on it, this time not because of
any vomit-based-issues but rather than someone had seen a snake in the show-building,
so they had to clear him out before they sent anyone round. Was only a little snake they

There is a rather dull birds of prey presentation I sat through most of;

and a nice big Screamin' Swing ride (aka "Barnstormer") up on a hill

As you can see, only half of that was running for some reason.

Next door to that Barnstormer thing was this 'Mountain Sidewinder' thing - where people
were riding these boat-type things down a tube on some water;

Looked interesting so had a go - you had to trek up the hill a way to get to the station
and then you are put into a group of riders and you are all weighed (!!!!) before they
let you on the boat thing. Its rather 'intimate' on the boat sat between, around the
person next to you - there are no restraints at but you are told to not let go of the
grab handles and to not rock the boat... then they set you off downhill in this tube
flowing with water and you pick up a lot of speed, hurtling around bends at angles that
make you think you are going to capsize (not kidding!) until you splash out at the end
(which is the only bit I have a photo of). Madness and very "old-school"

Didn't ride the rapids - they looked a bit dull (and wet).

So all in all, a nice park, some great bits, some less-than-great though, but a fine day out!
(don't see "Dolly" on the mugs at other parks do you!)

One processed pic from today that I have done;