Rob Coasters
Rob Poster
I returned to Oakwood a couple days later and did discover that the funnies in the back row were nonexistent in cars 3 & 4, allowing me to constantly keep my hands up and not having to brace. The jolts in the back did initially make me reconsider its #1 spot but ultimately decided it was still worthy. Immediately after I did said middle rows which were smoother, solidified the #1 spot and significantly largened the gap between it and Olympia. They're my favourite seats on the ride now. Not having to hold the restraint and being able to keep my hands up high also massively helped with feeling the ride's airtime.Great report @Rob Coasters; glad you enjoyed your day!
One thing I would say to you is that I wouldn’t worry about finding the likes of Zadra etc too intense, because intensity (and ride quality) is very subjective.
For instance, I’m less well travelled than you are (91 coasters vs your 133), yet Megafobia is only my #23 and a 7/10. It’s all very subjective (although I should point out that I personally rate coasters on fun factor and rerideability rather than out and out intensity).
As for the whole 'not wanting to do the European champions immediately' thing, I may reconsider my view on that. When it comes to future trips, whatever happens will happen. Is my next trip going to involve Zadra? Maybe. Shambhala? Perhaps. The Allou Fun Park Wild Wind? Hmm. We'll just have to see.
Part 29: Coney Beach Porthcawl & Barry Island Pleasure Park
The Wales holiday was sadly over and our time here was up, but we didn't want to do a drive that just went home. We wanted to make several detours and essentially find as many reasons as possible to stay in a country that I officially now like more than silly old England.
Our first stop was Porthcawl, which housed Coney Beach. Not much else to say, let's get straight to it.
I've had my fair share of single helix coasters this year and it looks like it won't be stopping anytime soon. The operator of #134 Nessi was the third person on this trip to notice and compliment my Megafobia cap so that's a definite keeper. With that I got into the back seat for my first zen ride of the day.
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Too tall for Go Spitor, so instead off to #135 Wacky Worm for my second zen ride of the day. I felt the wiggles at the top notably more than on other worms, this is what my life is now.
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With the dirty work done it was time for funner stuff. I skipped Megaspin when it came to Winter Wonderland in 2015 and I finally got my chance to get on it today. Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I expected, and I exclaimed my enjoyment for the ride to 'huh?'s and 'what?'s and 'how?'s from my group who stood by the sidelines.
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I was recommended to do the afterburner but I didn't want to do that straight after Megaspin, so instead I decided to swap that for Sticky Wall. I love these rides, they're great fun although in hindsight I should've just done the afterburner.
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Plus, I wasn't able to walk straight after that so the afterburner was now off the cards entirely. I was thinking to myself "I'm going to regret not doing this" and turns out I was right with that. But! If I did do it, I most likely would've missed out on Sticky Wall and then get sad over that. So it's quite the dilemma.
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So we did the Ghost Train.
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After an "are you sure?" to the Go Spitor operator, it was confirmed that no adults at all are allowed on it so with that we wandered out.
I mean... at least Brean has an afterburner so I guess I could get on that one.
21 miles later we're at Barry Island for the pleasure park.
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Thankfully their brand new Speed 32 soft opened ahead of its official opening in the weekend so the flat anxiety was out the window but we need to do the coasters first.
Such as #136 Dragon Challenge for my third zen ride of the day. Not your average Wacky Worm. But it's really good, I legitimately had to hold onto the restraint on the drop otherwise I would've been sent absolutely flying. Love it.
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Far better than whatever #137 Cyclone, the fourth zen ride of the day, tries to be. And a zen ride with good reason; it's an uneventful blabber around the course with uncomfortable valleys. Far from SBF's finest. I would've recommended it to my group if it weren't for the car crash simulator brake run that completely destroyed any reason to reride, a horrible jerk twice. Imagine Stealth but instead of 0-80 in 1.8 seconds it's 80-0 in 0.5 seconds. I knew it was going to be bad, but I didn't know it was going to be that bad.
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With the dirty work done I stumbled across an unexpected Wacky Worm independent from the pleasure park on a marathon length walk to the nearest (open) toilets but sadly it was spiting. After an "are you sure?" on the return leg to the ticket booth guy, it was confirmed to be closed so with that we wandered off.
Duties done and broken taps, back in the pleasure park we go.
Aerospace was fantastic as expected but forwards rotation is far less intense than backwards, to the point where I would argue that it wasn't really intense at all, but I don't think that's what the ride tries to be. It's damn impressive though, and brilliant fun nonetheless.
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However I wasn't ready for the top scan yet so instead went for Hellraiser for a fifth zen ride of the day and with good reason.
Hellraiser is a frankly pathetically run Matterhorn that runs at what feels like 30% of its maximum potential speed for a minute and a half before slowing down. It rattled all the way through and not once did the cars swing over 45. When it slowed down I thought it was going to go backwards, then it played the 'thank you for riding' announcement and I was in shock as the operator lifted my bar. That ride did NOTHING and my group who aren't enthusiasts even them were highly surprised that that was it. Now I can't do the top scan because that rattle got to my head a bit.
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I didn't want to end Wales on a low like that so Ghost Train in we go. I had exactly enough tokens remaining for all three of us to ride, but as one bailed last second, their tokens were used for me to go around again for my sixth and final zen ride of the day.
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Then we left.
Both parks at the end of the day were great fun, however both of their flaws lie in the lack of toilets. Coney's are situated at the extreme far end of the park and Barry outright doesn't have any at all, and they do have the space to put one in without ridding off anything they have. While I do have regrets of not doing the afterburner or top scan at least it gives me good enough reason to go back.
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Despite my six zen rides both parks had a reasonable amount of people in them, and they're both fairly priced, just phenomenal timings on my part really.
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