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Under 18's and Their 'Problems'

Shouldn't you start this thread off with the reason for creating it or do you just want to read about other peep's problems?
I don't know where 'everywhere else' is, but it's good to know that CoasterForce is different from 'everywhere else'. :wink:
I wasn't able to penetrate this woman I wanted.. and I hurt my shoulder once.. and I hurt my hamstring as well.
Snoo said:
I wasn't able to penetrate this woman I wanted.. and I hurt my shoulder once.. and I hurt my hamstring as well.

Please, when Phil was under 18, Electricity wasn't even invented. When Jerry was under 18, They didn't even have the wheel!
kimahri said:
Snoo said:
I wasn't able to penetrate this woman I wanted.. and I hurt my shoulder once.. and I hurt my hamstring as well.

Please, when Phil was under 18, Electricity wasn't even invented. When Jerry was under 18, They didn't even have the wheel!

It's true. I sat for ten years with that Spectrum unboxed and waiting for electricity to be invented. When it finally was, the computer was obsolete :(

When I was under 18, I think the biggest issue I has was no teeth and **** myself. I conquered that by the time I was 7 though, which made me very advanced for somebody from Widnes.
furie said:
When I was under 18, I think the biggest issue I has was no teeth and **** myself. I conquered that by the time I was 7 though, which made me very advanced for somebody from Widnes.

"But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward"
Newsflash, most teenagers don't have real "problems".

They have a desperate need for attention and an annoying ability to latch onto the smallest of dramas and mentally turn them into epic disasters beyond anything the world has ever known.

You wouldn't understand!
Being a teenager for many years I can agree with everyone else, we are just so dramatic. Haha.
gavin said:
Newsflash, most teenagers don't have real "problems".

They have a desperate need for attention and an annoying ability to latch onto the smallest of dramas and mentally turn them into epic disasters beyond anything the world has ever known.

You wouldn't understand!
This is SO true.

My teenager life was fantastic, full of discovery, what it's meant to be. I don't see the point in this topic, really?
gavin said:
Newsflash, most teenagers don't have real "problems".

They have a desperate need for attention and an annoying ability to latch onto the smallest of dramas and mentally turn them into epic disasters beyond anything the world has ever known.

You wouldn't understand!

I think maybe that's the reason 'problems' is put in quotation marks in the topic title? I get the feeling that the OP's whole point was for people to make fun of the silly stuff they used to worry about back when they were that age.
madhjsp said:
I think maybe that's the reason 'problems' is put in quotation marks in the topic title? I get the feeling that the OP's whole point was for people to make fun of the silly stuff they used to worry about back when they were that age.

I used to have all the time in the world to do **** all. I'd play games, hang around with mates, whatever. The only thing that really got in the way was school, and that was just a PITA you have to do - go in, sit quiet and get it over and done with. I never did homework so it never got THAT much in the way and British Bulldog was great.

I started work at 15 on a Saturday selling computers, games, video recorders, TVs and fixing them. I worked about 6 hours and brought home £7, which was enough to buy me a new ZX Spectrum game (which I'd play, complete and sell to my cousin for £3).

When I left school (also 15), I used the money to buy me a couple of halves of cider a week with friends in the pub, and also playing pool in the pool hall. That carried on for my three years at college (16 through 19), though my pay increased to about £12 a week.

I spent huge amounts of time getting pissed and doing college work I really enjoyed (computing), with some really great friends, climbed a lot of mountains as a hobby. Did some creative programming too, got a few music tracks into the public domain on the Atari ST. Brilliant three years.

Last year of my teens was my first year at university, and the only real difference to my life was sex on tap.

To be fair, I remember a lot of stress. Trying to get away without doing any work for school was difficult ;) There was also the constant threat of nuclear war and rioting nearby in Liverpool. Bullies obviously, but it was never a major issue because I would stand up to them, so about three fights across five years of school didn't cause an issue.

My best friend's Dad died, that was ****. My very fabulous great Gran died (on the morning of an English exam, thoughtless cow ;) ) which also put a downer on things (we were actually really close). My paternal Grandfather died; that wasn't so **** because he was an evil old troll - should have gone in the good memories bit maybe, but my Dad was sad about it.

I'd like to say that there was stress about trying to get into college, and picking a university and working at college to get there. I can't though; I've always been pragmatic about these things. Stuff needs doing, then you do it if it's going to get you to the point where you're going to do something you want to do. I didn't actually want to go to University, I had no plans because I'd done so badly at school. I excelled at college though and the easiest route was to pass well and get a place on a degree course.

Always the easiest route with me :lol:

Not the best years of my life though, that was 20-24 and my last four years at university, but pretty close. My most "angsty" times was leaving university and starting work - it was dreadful to suddenly have all your liberties curtailed and to have to conform.

Yep, I knew as a teen I was on to a good thing. Freedom (generally), no worries about food, drink, shelter, big hauls at Christmas or anything. I guess even as a teen, I just didn't understand ;)