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UncleArly's Development Thread.

Presenting Byzantium.

The colours are different. I personally quite like the yellow and purple, like Apollo. I'd keep them.
A-Kid said:
The colours are different. I personally quite like the yellow and purple, like Apollo. I'd keep them.

Yeah, I'm definately keeping them. The purple is Byzantine, the name of the ride :)
^Well, I wasn't talking about the track/support colors, those are fine. It's just the train I have a problem with. Like a candy apple or something would look nice.
Did you just change the entire coaster's layout or something? You had the vertical launch before, and now this.
Antinos said:
Did you just change the entire coaster's layout or something? You had the vertical launch before, and now this.

I did yeah, It really wasn't working.

And Jer, that might work, thanks.
Okay, I've got example of the three colours suggested here. Let's see what people think suits best.


White/Grey: (Brilliant White looked a bit odd)

The blue and (grey) white are nice. The red seems a little too strong.

Out of the blue or white, I'd say the white seems to blend better with the other colours. Its doesn't clash/make a big contrast.
Thanks! :D.

I won't be able to work on this much in the next week as I am moving to University, so I doubt there will be any updates for at least a week, as I won't have the internet for a short while anyway.
The only thing I don't like is how much track there is before the MCBR. Coulda been longer.. threw in another element or so. :)
Hmmm. That's true. I was thinking of making the helix thing into the MCBR like a immelmann/Half cobra roll sort of thing.