Snoo said:
Simple is always the answer. How much easier can you get then 'Whoever gets the most votes wins.'
Who thought up 'whoever gets the most votes wins'? I dunno.. the people with the most common sense since the beginning of recorded history? I mean.. I don't even see how something as silly as the AV even came into being.. might be one of those joke things like some laws in America which are just stupid in the first place?
It's a little different over here though Snoo. We're running on a political system here that was developed at a time that the First with the Plague system would have been just as apt as first past the post.
See, you say "whoever gets the most votes wins". Here, the Labour party could get 51% of all the votes in the country, but still end up not getting into power because they didn't win enough seats. Our first past the post system is flawed in that the party with the most votes across the country isn't guaranteed to get into power.
jokerman said:
Had AV been used in the 80s, Labour would have won so few seats that it would have collapsed, and that in 1997, the Tories would have been completely demolished to a point that would have destroyed the party.
Couple of points from this...
First up, how do you know that? We don't know what people's "second choice" would have been. Se don't know that with AV in place, the way people voted may have been completely different.
Which leads to the second point. So what? If a party is doing so abysmally that an election destroys them, then good! Take them into the back yard and put a bullet through their heads! Maybe if politicians were actually afraid of failure to the point they know they'd have no future in it, they'd be a little more on the ball? Knowing that, they would change their approach and gear up towards an AV system and with the change in policies and approach stop that from happening? You can't tack on historical figures to a new system and say "this is what it would have been like" - it can't be, because by changing the system, it would have changed the figures.
Personally, I think the current system of party politics is desperately broken and we need to sort something out. I'm not sure AV is the best system, but I think proportional representation goes too far. AV works elsewhere in the world, so why not here? One thing's for sure, we need to do something to shake up the politics in the UK and get politicians to wake up and smell the coffee. This could be a small change that actually starts off a larger chain of changes that improves the UK political landscape. It may fail miserably, but as our current system is a dead loss, I can't see any reason not to try.
jokerman said:
Anyway, before we start reforming the Commons, we should do something about the Lords.
Yeah, they can all be taken out the back and be put out of our misery too*
*I agree in principle with the position of the house of Lords, I think that everything a temporary elected government does should be at least given a second glance by somebody independent, I just don't think that they perhaps the best people to do it.