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Top spins


Roller Poster
Hi. I was wondering, do Huss top spins hurt (i.e whiplash) when the car is allowed to spin freely? Sorry, bit random, but I am still waiting to try one.

No they don't as long as you keep your head back...Your favourite park is Alton towers, I thought they had a Huss Top Spin called Ripsaw? You haven't ridden it yet?
I was surprised how pain free it was(minus the pinning). In the queue I was a little nervous because it look like DEATH, but after you get on, it's great, and you get off wanting more. Nothing to worry about, buddy. Painless.
Re: Re: Top spins

Venom2053 said:
No they don't as long as you keep your head back...Your favourite park is Alton towers, I thought they had a Huss Top Spin called Ripsaw? You haven't ridden it yet?

No, I was worried that it would hurt, but it won't so I will try it next time I go :) (probably when that new drop tower opens).

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coastergeek14 said:
Never done submission- aparrently its a ball killer!

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It's not just a ball killer its also a leg killer , a chest killer and a head killer .
its just a bad ride lets leave it at that.
Well the last time I went on it , it was awful. We only done one flip and didn't even get wet and yes i was sitting on the back row. I think it depends on who is running it .
^ exactly, Last time we rode Ripsaw, there were a cheeky bunch of lads in front of us in the queue and they decided to throw a bucket of water over one of the ride ops. (all in good nature might I add) Lets just say they were made to pay for that, the ride op suspended them above the water jets for about 20 seconds, they come off like drowned rats, very funny.

PS. If your male and you intend to have a family in the future, don`t ride Submission. Alternatively if you have a family and you don`t want any more? Ride Submission, its much cheaper then getting the snip. :p
Well thats never happened to me but I guess yeah could happen as normally the finale of the ride is being suspended face first over the jets. Its not designed to do that but it could happen, same as if you open your mouth you could get tasty treat.
Also, when the water fountains spray up in the riders faces, spectators laugh and clap like it's the funniest thing they've ever seen!

Top Spins are vile contraptions. Why anybody would want to be spun upside down multiple times before hilariously being squirted in the face is beyond me.

The best thing about a top spin is the noise it makes. I like to watch them (and laugh when the riders are hilariously squirted on) and listen to the sound. You can hear people scream on them but when the base of the gondola is momentarily facing the spectator, the screams briefly fall silent. A bit like WooooWooooWooooWooooWooooWoooo.

It's one of my favourite theme park sounds, alongside the brief silence at the top of a log flume drop before it rumbles down the chute.

I'ma trollin' tonight!
Ian said:
Why anybody would want to be spun upside down multiple times before hilariously being squirted in the face is beyond me.

I've had nights like that, but, they didn't involve anything from Huss...