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Too many of the same?

I was banned permanently from the TPR Forums for asking a question on the F-1 X Dubai Park Subject.

Apparently one the the mods found me annoying for asking to many questions and gave me a 3 week ban!! So I messaged the Robb guy and reported the mod for the unfair ban because of his personal views on me. Robb found me offensive and a threat to the forum because I was speaking out against the rules and the mods when clearly the mod was just being a douchebag. Robb then permanently banned me and banned my IP address.

Now that I look at it. This forum isn't so bad.

Oh well back on topic

I have never riden a coaster. but I don't like the look of Corkscrews and SLCs. Every other Coaster company has a modern track design while Vekoma still uses the old Arrow Track. When will they just let the Arrow track go and use their 2nd Gen Track for their Coasters??
I agree in spirit with too many of the same old rides. However, I must say that it seems to me that old Arrow style corkscrew coasters are kind of dying off so I wouldn't say there's too many of them. In fact, there are times like when I went around the Florida parks where after riding B&M after B&M that I wish I could just ride an Arrow because they're unique to me.

As for TPR, when I joined here, I said something about leaving a coaster community I would not name. TPR was that community. I hate that site because it has a mentality of if you don't agree with Robb Alvey, you're a "fanboy" or an idiot. There's no room for an opinion and most of the site is 16 year olds trying to be like Robb Alvey and blindly following everything he says. This site doesn't seem to quite have a singular figurehead like that, and it's for the best.
Whilst you're welcome to your opinions about other websites, this is not the place to discuss them.

Please can we get back on topic now? I did try with my post of epicness.
Sorry about that, it was an itch that I couldn't resist scratching. Anyhoo, if it wasn't obvious by my post, I'll say it clearer: I think B&M is actually a bigger offender of "too many of the same" as all of their rides that I've been on basically feel identical. That's why I was relieved to see them do the Wing Rider concept and mix it up a bit.
Nic said:
Whilst you're welcome to your opinions about other websites, this is not the place to discuss them.
Vadge is right. Apologies. If we bitch, it only makes us look bad. :(
Besides, we all know how lovely CF is!

Mr. X said:
This site doesn't seem to quite have a singular figurehead like that, and it's for the best.
We have Ian - but he's more like a Dad really....maybe he has a singularly figured head :wink:

ok on topic now I promise!
Personally I think it's Intamin rather than B&M who are less inventive. Many of their rides look the same and have as much character as a concrete warehouse in Northampton. The attempt to record break where they can (Stealth, Kingda Ka, etc.) and the concentration on launches results in a great ride, but the whole idea of a theme is just an afterthought. Me, I love a good story! B&M definitely show the most diversity - coasters that fly, that have one big drop, that stand up, that have no floor, that put you out on wings....
Pablo237 said:
I have never riden a coaster. but I don't like the look of Corkscrews and SLCs. Every other Coaster company has a modern track design while Vekoma still uses the old Arrow Track. When will they just let the Arrow track go and use their 2nd Gen Track for their Coasters??

I think to a degree it's purely down to cost. Vekoma are a serious "off the shelf" manufacturer. They are geared up to mass producing the same coaster (or type of coaster) again and again.

To make the process cheaper, they'll have very specific design technology for both producing layouts and manufacturing track. Their plant will also be geared up to producing large amounts of their "standard gauge" track.

The trains will also be using old technology to run on this track. It means that everything is very streamlined and costs are reduced.

It sounds bad, like they're stuck in a rut, but they're not. They have updated things and they are advancing technology and track/train design - it's simply there are so few of the newer rides out there, you're just not spotting them.
Hmmmm I can see why then. But there's got to be more cheaper and comfortable clones by other companies out there. Like what Nic said about the Euro-Fighter Rage Clones.

Is it because those Vekoma clones are the cheapest to fabricate than any other company??
I don't know when the last time Vekoma released a clone to be honest. There are the two "Kumali" clones, but most of the stuff they've sold in the last 10 years or so has been a custom design. I think they may sit somewhere between the "big boys" and the "lite" nowadays. Gerstlauer and Maurer Sohne seem to be taking on the cheaper end of things with smaller footprint rides an SLC or Boomerang would maybe have held 15 years back. Vekoma are trying to push for bigger and better (like the mildly failed Battlestar Galactica).
I thought they did a pretty good job on The BSG Coaster. Looked pretty cool and smooth. How was it?? Are they going to have other Coaster like that??
^Well, it's only just opened (basically a year late) because a seat fell off or something.

I don't think any other park is going to rush to buy one just yet; not until BSG has been running long enough to prove itself at least.