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Thorpe's New MTDP

A-Kid said:
Sh1t the focking bed this park is getting retarded. Removing the single best space in the park... aswell as the worst.

RIP AMITY COVE SIGN AND LAST REMAINING GRASSY SPACE with a ride that doesn't make any logical sense blocking X and the megastore. Way to ruin the park again.

Over-reaction much?

Should we not be used to Thorpe making rather silly decisions by now?
Not over-reacting. This is the best part of that area. And the most plesant bit of the park really. That grass bank is a hot spot (one of the only) for guests to sit down and relax. Now it will be an incredibly tight space. Let alone it narrows the main pathway, making it more akward for the mass of guests that try to get through. Even more so there with the spash zone aswell.

The sign is one of the last remaining good themed parts and sets up the area theme to anybody walking in. It makes that corner interesting. Without it, it will be just another bland corner.
Big deal, we are losing a sign and gaining a ride. You never know you might be lucky and they might not even remove the sign :wink:

As for that being a chill out area and the most pleasant bit of the park? I think thats a little bit much. If you want to chill out theres plenty of room behind Vortex and Zodiac by the dome. Or you have the sunken garden by Stealth, the garden as part of the BBQ cook out place etc..

I for one, think its a good fun addition. 2012 is the year of new coaster goodness :p
A-Kid said:
Not over-reacting. This is the best part of that area. And the most plesant bit of the park really. That grass bank is a hot spot (one of the only) for guests to sit down and relax. Now it will be an incredibly tight space. Let alone it narrows the main pathway, making it more akward for the mass of guests that try to get through. Even more so there with the spash zone aswell.

The sign is one of the last remaining good themed parts and sets up the area theme to anybody walking in. It makes that corner interesting. Without it, it will be just another bland corner.

You do realise the plans actually say the grass area will be retained?

Read everything first... Then react... :roll:
Shot in the dark here, but maybe the pool area is not being built over because of its location. Not sure where Thorpe village is close to, but could line of sight issues come into it for residents? I know that Stealth can be be seen from the M3, but it's quite well hidden from the Laleham end - that was a very good choice location-wise. Seems alot of effort to build new islands otherwiswe when Neptune's Kingdom is so baltently crap and never in use.

I doubt Thorpe would make the leap to a woodie, but here's hoping anyway *sigh*
Nemesis Inferno said:
A-Kid said:
Not over-reacting. This is the best part of that area. And the most plesant bit of the park really. That grass bank is a hot spot (one of the only) for guests to sit down and relax. Now it will be an incredibly tight space. Let alone it narrows the main pathway, making it more akward for the mass of guests that try to get through. Even more so there with the spash zone aswell.

The sign is one of the last remaining good themed parts and sets up the area theme to anybody walking in. It makes that corner interesting. Without it, it will be just another bland corner.

You do realise the plans actually say the grass area will be retained?

Read everything first... Then react... :roll:

Yeah I know, but they are removing a good chunk of it.

I know I am quite particular when it comes to Amity though. I was pissed when they removed the flashing KFC upsidedown sign too. An effect that worked. It was the perfect area 10 years ago... and they keep bodging bits into it or removing things when they were perfectly fine.
One of the most overused (these things are all over the place in America!) and personally one of my least favourite ride types!

Hooray. :)
I haven't been on one, so I cant comment, but they look fun! I like the slide bit of them small travelling rapids, so I reckon I'd love this. The only gripe I have is that it looks a bit short, unless there is a rapids section after the drop?

I think it will make a good 'filler' ride for Thorpe in between the major rides.
Do I like the look of the ride itself? Yes.

Do I think it will be a good addition to the park? Not so sure. I think they now have too many water rides. I'm also slightly sad to see the removal of the other rides there, since they were my first rides ever. Of course, they weren't used anymore and the area didn't look great in my opinion.

Mixed bag for me.
Interested to see that this apparently counts as two of the "round rides" listed in the old MTDP. It does look like it's going to be a massive footprint for not much ride, which is a shame. I think a flat (even a top spin) would've been a better use of the space tbh. I also agree with whoever said that this would've been better at Chessie.

Still, a ride is a ride, and for that, I'm happy it's getting installed.
Indeed Nic.

I rode the one at Parc Asterix aswell as the one we did with CF on the Euro-Live last year (can't remember the name of the park but like CF, they had a Bell too) and they are good fun little rides. Nothing major to write home about however.

Having said that, these are considered familiy rides and so at least they are not just going all out on the thrill section... oh wait... that contrevenes their main target demographic ever so slightly... oh well.

It will help blot out XNWO a little I guess..... :roll:

Am I daft to presume that this will be themed alongisde Amityville?
I haven't looked in that other topic yet, but surely they'll need to remove more than the Slippery Serpant to install this?
While I had a great time on the one at Park Asterix and am a big lover of family water rides...

I can't see how sending this to Thorpe makes good sense.

They've proven with enormous success that they can survive almost entirely on the adult audience, so the urgency to cater for the "family" is no longer there.

There is another park within the chain, within a few miles that is just begging for an attraction like this.
Even Alton would better suit.
Even after that, I'd have said sell it before suggesting Thorpe!

While it'll provide hilarity and amusement to the adult audience to some degree, I fear it'll come mostly from them trying to make their own amusement.
I've seen the French jumping out of L'oxygenarium, and I'm fairly certainly the UK crew will be eager to give such hijinx a go too =)

Oh, and the designer in me is just screaming at the staging of the ride.
It's clearly designed on a wedge shape, where the only angle considered to impress the audience is the front. Like most fair attractions.

Stick it in a place where you can see it from all sides, and from most angles its going to look uuuuuuuuuuggggly
Indeed Tim.

This will be hideously apparent when you enter the park too. More particularly as you head down the path that currently leads right up to the front of XNWO. Instead of seeing the open paved walkway and clear view of XNWO - however ugly - you will now see the supports of this thing directly in that pathway. As Tim said, from a side angle these things really look a bit naff.

Like so...
http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest ... XX.001.pdf

Of course, we could hope that levels of theming and so on would alleviate this problem but that is another conversation now isn't it...
I think this will work in either of two ways for Thorpe:

1) It will look ugly, awful and will be a burden on the park for some time to come.
2) It will be well themed, look nice and will be great for the park.

I can't see the latter coming about so easily...

Just a few questions if anybody has the answers. What are the capacity per hour for such rides? And dare I say it, how reliable are they? :p
Capacity... hmmm not sure to be honest. I remember queuing for the L'Oxygenarium for quite a while and the one at Hansa Park too so it isn't great.

Reliability wise, they have very little in the way of working mechanisms compared to coasters etc so I would imagine they are reliable by comparison.

In terms of theming I keep looking at the diagrams and trying to imagine this in the park. Fingers crossed they do something with 'track' that red and yellow will just look ridiculously garish imo. I know the megastore is quite brightly coloured BUT it is small enough to not be overpowering. This thing just dwarfs the view of the area.

Oh well, with any luck they develop the Amity Cove theme here and it may look good...
I agree with this being better at Chessie. Also at Thorpe wouldn't the beach space with the flumes between Flying Fish and those raft slides be better?
I hope they don't make it multicoloured like all the other parks as well otherwise it'll stick out like a sore thumb.

The one I did on the Eurolive was good fun. Although it was nothing amazing. And the rides going to be incredibly short considering the length the queues will probably get for this.