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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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I rode this coaster today, it was Ok and i can confirm the effects were off, Saw is much better, though its a good replacement for old corky. =]
Ollie said:
The outdoor section has always looked a bit pants. It's meant to simulate rushing through the forest, but it's hard to do that when the train goes as slow as it does and the nearest tree either side of the track is about 15-20 feet away.

Yes, but when you watch the video, are you travelling at the speed that the coaster is travelling? No. Do you have the wind rushing past you? No.

When you're actually riding the coaster, you'll feel these things and it will seem like you are rushing through the forest.

God, I swear some people on here believe they're actually riding the coaster when they watch a video.

Oh, and I agree with Benin, you're 'I know this person, they told me this years ago, omg look at me I know everything act' is getting old.
That video showed the drop better as you can see the floor looking like you dropped through it. I like how in that video they didn't show anywhere that the train goes backwards at any point. :)
This to me is publicity gone wrong, just like the whole project tbh.

All day people have been coming up to me at work and said 13 looks crap, I had not even seen the video yet.

Yes you can not judge a ride by a POV as I found out with Mamba, but that video on GMTV has even got the public saying it does not look good.

The 2nd video that has been posted makes it look even slower over the hills tbh and could they fit bigger trims on the hills down and up?

I will now reserve judgement until Saturday as the effects should be on so hopefully it will seem better.
Hahahaha I love that video, that womans face!

Just showed it to my housemate too and she said "OMG LOOKS AMAZING". I think it'll be a hit =).
Just read the past few pages of this topic and I agree with this:

marc said:
Lets be honest I do not think many people would have had a problem with this coaster if Alton had not totally messed up the advertising.

Had it not had a SW and was just "we are getting a new family coaster" it would have been better than "worlds first" "age limit" "get extra health cover" etc.

I'm not gonna lie, the ride looks fun. Not fun like a thrilling coaster, but fun like a mine train or something similiar. That's the problem with the coaster... It's marketed as some kind of psychological horror ride with people at the exit to help you, but it's really just a fun little family coaster. Definitely the wrong theme for the ride imo.
Here's the ITV video for those that missed it and don't want to watch a video of someone recording a TV screen.
The drop certainly looks alot better in that video. Seems to vanish from sight pretty quickly. I'm so keeping my lap-bar as loose as I can for that section. :)
I think that looks immense. If you're in the dark. The second part of the surprise bit looks ridiculously quick.

Looks like a great addition tbh, if it stays open it'll be a brilliant filler rollercoaster which is essentially what Corkscrew was there for.
I think that Central Tonight video makes the drop looks loads better. I hope it's a lot darker in there. I actually got excited watching the second video!

I personally would have done something like Spiderman where the walls move to give you the illusion of going high up. Have the walls shoot up when the train drops to give the illusion of dropping a lot more than what you do. If it isn't going to have any good effects, then at least have it in pitch black. I'm hoping the only reason the lights were on were for filming purposes.
Yeah the ITV video does the indoor section much better justice than GMTV did. Should be quite a nice sensation even if it is quite a short drop. Also the backwards bit should be fun. The only bit that looks boring is the whole outdoor section.
I think it looks pretty fab for a family cred.

Sure, it's short, but the dropping bit looks great, and i'm sure it'll suprise a lot of people (you know, the vast majority that won't look for videos online, and just turn up at the park for a fun day out).

People who slate the ride now are idiots. We KNEW it was going to be like this.

As for the hype, whatever. If I owned a park I'd want to get people to come and ride my new cred too!

I look forward to getting my cred and a bit of willy lift <3.
Just spotted a couple of things to clear up..

bezzzzzer said:
I'm hoping the only reason the lights were on were for filming purposes.

Yes, they wouldn't have bothered with closing the door over the track if they weren't gonna make the room dark. It will be dark.

Also, about the trims.. there are a few visible but they (hopefully!) won't feel that strong since they are magnetic plates (not as effective as fins) and they should be subtle. We'll see.
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