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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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^^^I think it'll be more supernatural-thriller based, rather than Horror. Horror says to me blood and gore, like Saw. This ride doesn't say any of that IMO. I don't think it'll have any sort of linkage to Saw. I think it'll be based on graveyards and ghosts. Possibly, judging from the cloaked figures, with a hint of an evil cult/society?

I think it'll be a ride that has a story, but one thats not really told that much, such as Nemesis. It'll be there for you to find out, but won't necessarily be fed to you like Hex does. It doesn't seem to have any sort of staging area for a complex story to be told judging from the plans.

^ Ditto to that.
^ We sell sporks at Millets. Great value, just £1.99 :)

I was thinking, with the dark section, they could use some similar effects to hex. So the room can move, or appear to move, maybe creating the illusion of a huge drop where in fact the coaster train is dropping just a little.
That video made me angry.

I'm not against parks releasing amateur looking videos onto places like YouTube which spark up questions about authenticity, that's fun. But that was obviously official and embarrassingly poor.

As for the name. I don't like Mortalis. Or ITU. Or 666. Thirteen and Panic I'm quite a fan of, Woodcutter just seems. Silly.
I think the Screamscape thing could be false. No one else has said they have been asked, the names are awful and hardly any seem to fit in particularly well.

The video is pretty bad and clearly official. If they wanted it to appear like it was just made by a guest, it would have been wasier than getting the stupid plugs for the resort in. It really is quite cheasy and crap.

Video aside, there is also a sign advertising the ride and the wraiths walking round:

Image from TT.

So will Ug Land be properly rethemed? Or just grunged up to look old...or, god forbid...bugger all done to it?
The way it's worded is worrying-they were building a ride and disturbed the wraiths who are now running round being scary.

Hopefully, it will be completely rethemed, with no story about how Ug Land changed. Hopefully it's done as a new area, like X Sector was. No story about how it changed, it just did, no reference to the old one. Otherwise I can't see this working.

Anyway track is finished and TT reckon the track in the indoor section is neeing installed. No pictures as yet. Going to get a look next weekend.
Mortalis would be an epic name in my opinion, "I'm off to ride Mortalis" sounds very good...

Tbh because of Rita being so poorly designed the only way to make the area half decent layout wise now would be to remove it, but that would never happen unfortunately unless it pulled an Xcelerator...

I hope that the entire area gets re-done, with Rita's restaurant thing, effectively 'expanding' the Towers into this new area could work, imagine a wall running along down into the area blocking off Cuckoo Land, adding some fog maybe and what-not could make that area incredibly different from anything else, playing on the history of the place...
Who says that the name would be for SW6, it could be for a Rita re-theme...
loefet said:
Who says that the name would be for SW6, it could be for a Rita re-theme...

There has been alot of talk on Twoerstime about Rita being renamed Itu or Ritu (Ride Into The Unknown)
I think using the word 'ride' to describe a launch coaster makes it sound far too tame, as if going on a little journey. They don't want Rita to look like that.
Jools said:
loefet said:
Who says that the name would be for SW6, it could be for a Rita re-theme...

There has been alot of talk on Twoerstime about Rita being renamed Itu or Ritu (Ride Into The Unknown)

I'm pretty sure that is not serious. That rould be even worse a name than what it has now. Anyway, Ride Into The Unknown was the previous marketing slogan for SW6. It is no longer being used as the theme of the ride is slowly made clearer through the marketing.

They would not use 'ride' in a name, as Nickky sad, it sounds weak and tame.

Just had a thought, there are three of these wriath things walking around, and the name 'Mortalis', if true, sounds like it could fit. Maybe the three mean there will be three rides, SW6, Rita and a flat (RoboArms like the concept suggests?), each with a scary, name like Mortalis.
Or just Itu, but I meant maybe on it's own like Rita is meant to stand for something, although noone is sure how true that is.
They should retheme the area to the corner shop in Coronation Street.

Rita can be renamed to Rita Sullivan: The Ride.

The new ride could be called Norris. He's late for work and has to rush to get there in time, when he finally enters the building, Rita is angry because he is late and hits him with a newspaper, causing him to fall down, then the reverse section of the ride happens as he backs away in fear.

I think it might just work.
'Into the Unknown' will be a tag-line, and would be a crap actual ride name...

Hopefully the reference to Wraiths will be good on the ride... Seems like theme parks now can't do any construction without being disturbed by anything... :roll:
Why do people think that was an official video? I was under the impression that Myk filmed that himself?

If it was an official video then it was even ten times worst then the Thorpe efforts for Saw and Alton are definately losing there way.
After what Benin said about extending the towers themed area (where Hex is), it's occurred to me that the new ride might end up being in the Towers section of the park, and not Ug Land at all. where's it's entrance? Cuz if it's up the entrance end of Ug Land, then, yeah.

I don't think Rita or Ug Land will be rethemed. It's just not... sensible to waste money on something that doesn't really need doing. I doubt they see Rita as any kind of mistake and even if they did, fixing that now would be ridiculous. They will make the best of what they've got. And it will look poor.
The entrance is where Ug Swinger was. Ug Land will have to be rethemed for it SW6 to have any relation to the Towers.

Hopefully Rita will be rethemed, there is a lot of evidence to say it will, and Merlin seem to want to create themes and put effort in. They can advertise it as a new ride and a new area, like they did with MB and CCL. Instead of saying they had one new ride, they can say they have a whole new area with two rides in, one of which is a world first.
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