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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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t'other day I said:
I really like the look of it though and have more faith in this being pulled off than I did Saw because of the location. Let's face it, they've got a much better base to work from with the grounds of Alton as opposed to the concrete slab of Thorpe

And boy have they used what they have to good effect!

I think I'll start laughing at the Merlin haters right now... :laughing5:
andrus said:
What do we see in the pictures? Looks like footers to an unexperienced person like me.. But they seem to be put a little bit to close to each others to be footers right?

The footers are very close together. That was obvious on the plans in the first place. The bi-track isn't inherently massively strong, so it needs a lot more support than tri or quad track.
#pmbo said:
Why don't you want this coaster to fit in that category? I think it would be a good move for Alton, they've got enough thrill rides... Haven't they?


1)- It been over 10 years since AT got a good thrill ride
2)- They're the only type of rides I am really interested in
3)- Barnes did say it will be something really spectacular, so that set fan expectation pretty high. I want to see those statements justified.
it's gonna be amazing to be rushing through the forest like that, like the ultimate

Exactly what I was thinking!

Has anyone even come close to hazarding a guess for what the 'Worlds first' is? We no it cant be anything to do with 'a' launch... and thats about it!

With Saw being plugged as the Worlds first horror themed coaster, I wouldn't put it past them claiming this is the worlds first castle themed coaster (which incidently, would also be faulse: http://rcdb.com/826.htm?p=1190 :p)
Perhaps train related?
I might get outcast for having such a ridiculous prediction here, but maybe you actually get off the coaster in the building and it becomes somewhat of an interactive thing for 4-5 mins, then you board again?

It seems really hard to predict the World first, it could just be something ridiculous. Although all the other SW's have impressed so far.
Coaster-Fiend said:
It been over 10 years since AT got a good thrill ride

Um, Rita.....?

Is the 60mph launch not good enough for you? Go on, off to America you go with their 1,000,000mph; 3 billion foot coasters ;)

I'm starting to get really pissed off at people moaning about it not being the next UK best. We ****ing know it's going to be a family coaster and have done for almost a year now! For the market it's aimed at it's going to be one of the best and I think everyone will be suitably impressed by Alton's next creation. It certainly has all the right ingredients*.

*Heinz Bean Sauce, Swedish Meatballs, Tomato Ketchup, all that jazz... :p
Alton are marketing this ride to everyone. They are trying to please the best of us, and I don't mean just thrill seekers, but families too. A lot of effort has and is going into this ride and I don't think it should be dismissed as **** already.However, I would happily dismiss it if it began with an 'E' and ended in 'urofighter'.
Coaster-Fiend said:
#pmbo said:
Why don't you want this coaster to fit in that category? I think it would be a good move for Alton, they've got enough thrill rides... Haven't they?


1)- It been over 10 years since AT got a good thrill ride
2)- They're the only type of rides I am really interested in
3)- Barnes did say it will be something really spectacular, so that set fan expectation pretty high. I want to see those statements justified.

1. Just because you don't like air, spinball or Rita does not mean Alton haven't put in good thrill rides. I prefer air to Superman: Ultimate Flight at Great Adventure and Rita rates second of all the accelerators I've been on. I don't think either are great, but they're both still the most popular rides with guests at Alton Towers at the moment. So they ARE good thrill rides.

2. If you're not interested in other rides, then just go to Thorpe or move to Magic Mountain, Cedar Point or Great Adventure. Sadly thrill rides don't bring in the cash. So if Alton paid a fortune for a new large thrill ride, they'd get very little ROI and then they would have to sacrifice other things.

3. Barnes was full of crap. Tough :lol: I don't think he ever expected enthusiasts to be impressed anyway. They installed a brand new ride type (B&M Flying coaster) and enthusiasts hate it. They installed one of the fastest accelerators in Europe and enthusiasts hated it. Why the hell should anyone at any park anywhere make an effort putting in rides that are only popular with enthusiasts, when enthusiasts seem to pretty much hate everything? Just keep on giving the public what you tell them you want. Balls to the 0.001% of visitors that care.

We fugging know it's going to be a family

I know Intamin labelled it a family coaster, but to me, so far, the marketing for this coaster shows it is anything but a family coaster. It all seems a bit too dark and creepy, Nemesis stylie.

And they've been promoting its a worlds first for some time now, so they're kinda building up the hype, its going to have to be impressive, not just for us, but for the GP too.
furie is (as usual) quite right...

My love for Air has increased two fold this year but I still preferred it over Tatsu in 07 and obv still do...

Seriously, which park out of Alton (the family) or Thorpe (the thrills) would you rather go to...

In regards to the ride itself, queue line seen on the plans does not want... :(
when enthusiasts seem to pretty much hate everything?

Heeeyyyyy! :x

Seriously, which park out of Alton (the family) or Thorpe (the thrills) would you rather go to...

I still, and probably always will look at Alton as an adult park. Chessy is the family park to me.

The thing that makes Alton so special is that it is a compltet package, plus being plonked on a beautiful park, with spectacular views and scenery. Beyoned the 4 (soon to be 5 hehe :?) main coasters, you still have some awsomely fun family rides - Duel, Spinball, Flume, Hex, Rapids, RMT, Battle G, and so on.

The only thing is, I would have personally preffered them to sort out the X-Sector, as appose to this new coaster. Ug-land wasn't brilliant, I know, but its not as bad as X-Sector. That area isn't a part of 'special' Alton anymore, its more like 'shabby' Thorpe. Though with the spruce up of Merrie England, I'm sure X-Sector is soon to be worked on, hopefully.

Ormerod said:
Perhaps train related?
I might get outcast for having such a ridiculous prediction here, but maybe you actually get off the coaster in the building and it becomes somewhat of an interactive thing for 4-5 mins, then you board again?
I really like that concept! And I could see that happening in the future; it could also be very "capacity-friendly" if done correctly. Who knows what the world's first will be? I'm itching to know and can't wait until another huge construction update appears.

It could simply be related to the theming or effects used throughout the ride; or even queueline related! Cinematic related? A special effect used in the castle where it looks like there is no floor?

I really don't know. But it will be interesting to find what the outcome is.
Highly doubt you will get off half way through. That would be a disaster. You would need twice the operators to help people off the ride then back on and to make sure it is safe, and it will take up a huge amount of time, let alone kill off the ride. We are looking at a blast through the woods, followed by either a tilt or drop and launch, getting off alf way through would ruin the whole feel of the ride. When you go on a coaster, you expect the next few minuted to be non-stop forces and thrills, not to have a big break half way through.

I still maintain that the world first will be how it gets from forwards to backwards.
- Tilt has been done.
- Launch has been done plus would kill Rita's only trick, a ride which is literally metres away.
Maybe a different kind of tilt, or a double tilt.
The launch would be backwards and quite slow, so would not kill Rita's trick, it would probably feel more like Irn Bru, more of a push than a launch.
That sounds far too specific, and I don't know what positive aspect it would contribute to the ride?

And if we're talking a backwards launch, then it's been done plenty of times, in fact you just mentioned Irn Bru which has done it! :p
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