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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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Ormerod said:
-lofty- said:
Nobody did say that, all we said basically is no point hyping it up when it has a VERY high posibility of not living up to it, I suppose you can say this about any coaster but maybe this more then any!

To be honest, I don't suck into the hype, that's what kills rollercoasters. I honestly am looking forward to it, but I won't be lurking round for updates or speculating for that matter. Thats probably why enthusiasts don't like rides as much as the GP, every grain of sand is assessed and rumours flow faster than a curry eater's bowels.
Well said! That's exactly how I feel. :) I think that's partly why (most) fans disliked Saw.
Ormerod said:
-lofty- said:
Nobody did say that, all we said basically is no point hyping it up when it has a VERY high posibility of not living up to it, I suppose you can say this about any coaster but maybe this more then any!

To be honest, I don't suck into the hype, that's what kills rollercoasters. I honestly am looking forward to it, but I won't be lurking round for updates or speculating for that matter. Thats probably why enthusiasts don't like rides as much as the GP, every grain of sand is assessed and rumours flow faster than a curry eater's bowels.


Although, I do that exactly, yet there are not many coaster I dislike. Of course, there are some that are better than others, but surely, as an enthusiast, a coaster is a coaster, better than nothing?
Yeah you do have a very good point Ormerod, coasters do seem to get very over analysed before they are built so when they're ridden they just lack that surprise!

I am not going to do that with this coaster, yeah alright I may follow construction but I don't want to make it sound that its the best coaster in the world when it may not live up to it and leave me dissapointed!
jacoaster said:
There is no doubt that you'll all be disappointed. I mean, it's like a tradition for coaster fans to automatically dislike any new ride that isn't wooden or doesn't have super airtime. :lol:

Personally I'm really looking forward to this. I'm sure won't be the best roller coaster ever, but I am sure it will at least be a nice, fun family coaster.

Do we know what the rider position will be yet?
I have heard it will be a sit down Intamin AG coaster, but it might not be.
^That is what it is generally believed to be; although there has been no official word from anyone, it is claimed that this will be an Intamin sit-down.

As for all this about how good it will be, I am not reading into it and won't believe anything untill I ride it or anything official is released. The ride looks great, although not as great as Nemesis. I doubt Alton Towers would put so much effort into something that "isn't that good". And if the man was laughing then he couldn't have been that serious. People either make things up or have been told what to say if anyone asks.

Anyway, lets wait until it is open before making any judgements. For now lets just watch it go up and see what happens. Feel free to get excited or not, but don't jump to conclusions and believe everything you hear from someone's brothers girlfriends cousins cats vets mechanics mums hairdressers nephew twice removed who works as an after hours cleaner at Alton Towers.
Blaze said:
Feel free to get excited or not, but don't jump to conclusions and believe everything you hear from someone's brothers girlfriends cousins cats vets mechanics mums hairdressers nephew twice removed who works as an after hours cleaner at Alton Towers.

Are you doubting my insider information? :twisted:
It's probably more reliable than my telepathic connection to John Wardleys mind and my £20 spy kit from Argos which allowed me to spy on all the planning meetings.

As a result of those things, I can bring you exclusive news that it will be a custom Pinfari Zyklon after Alton Towers bought revived the extinct company and re-installed all it's staff. The ride will only be open on Pagan festivals and a rabid dog will eat anybody who sits in the front left seat, right seat in the second row, and left on the third row. ALl other seats are fine, apart from rear left and second rear right. These riders will die onride. Unless they live, in which case they will be shot upon return. Survivors will be shot again. Anyone still surviving is a zombie and will cause a mass evacuation and a new Pinfari in your honour in which all riders will die and become zombies who will take over Alton Village so they can build what ever they want.

Yeah, your brothers girlfriends cousins cats vets mechanics mums hairdressers nephew twice removed who works as an after hours cleaner at Alton Towers is probably more reliable...
If you was having a jab at my information and the person its come off being fake I highly doubt iut, forget the cats and everything, which wasn't funny anyway... it came from a guy who knows exactly whats gunna happen inside as he was asked to theme the goddam thing...
Well I'll belive it when I see it. If the man who created this won't tell his wife, then I doub't one of his minions (yes, I am under the illusion the coaster designers live is large castles on cliffs overlucking stormy seas with lightning constantly hitting the tallest tower. They have armies of the undead and are more powerfull than Presidents, Prime Ministers and Royal Families).

Just because someone told you, does not mean it will be true.

I do not doub't you spoke to someone who is involved, I just doubt what he told you.
Went today and the hole is now really deep. There are loads of other holes over the place, plus one they were digging further in the woodland, where they were using this new blue crane thing to place poles. They also had these big yellow circle things they were putting in the ground, but i've no idea what they are for.
Circles? No idea, but they must be markers for something. On Tuesday all I saw were massive holes and some digging going on.
Brookes said:
Went today and the hole is now really deep. There are loads of other holes over the place, plus one they were digging further in the woodland, where they were using this new blue crane thing to place poles. They also had these big yellow circle things they were putting in the ground, but i've no idea what they are for.

Any chance of some expansion of the word 'things'?
Yellow things can be seen in this picture I took today.

It's not as hard to get photos even with the sky ride down, there's plenty of rocks to stand on and Rita's queue to get them.


As Brookes said, the main hole is very deep and there are an assortment of holes running around the site which are for the footers.
Lots of diggers on site and lots of action.
Just below the digger on the far right, you can see the mushrooms :}

{ They are planted in the form of the coaster layout }

So for those speculating, maybe you can check for mushrooms near the giant hole.
Does anyone have an estimate as to how deep the hole is? Or is there no way to see the bottom from the ground?
I couldn't see the bottom, but probably didn't look well enough. The yellow thigns are to brace the holes, so they are going to be huge if they need reinforcments.

I'd say it's about 20 foot deep now, atleast.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but instead of a drop like thing, what about if the track collapses at the back, so the track joins the rest of the track before rolling back. :?
I couldn't even see the bottom of the hole from Rita's first break run...

And thanks for clarifying what I meant by the yellow things Rach haha, I didn't take my phone to take photos.
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