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Things you hate when people say to you.

CookieCoasters said:
'Hows life?' i don't know why this ticks me off so much, it just does. My friend asks me this a lot, and i just end up say 'the same as the last time you asked me!'

Oooooooh. That's one (in a similar vein), people who you meet for the first time in a while and they ask "so, what do you know?"

I never know if they mean what I've learned since the last time we met, which is pretty difficult to nail down exactly, or if they're after the entire of my knowledge, like they're some kind of knowledge seeking alien disguised as somebody I once knew, tricking me into revealing all my secrets.

I've just never understood it? At best, it's an open invitation to simply gossip, which is just rude ;) I'll gossip as and when I'm good and ready :p
What Furie said :p

I don't know, "mate" is just so personal and familiar. It's not the way to address strangers or customers. I don't have any problem whatsoever with people calling me duck, bab, love etc.
Going along with what I said earlier, when I say something to somebody, and not even five minutes later they turn to somebody else and say THE EXACT SAME BLOODY THING. It's just maddening.
I hate to hear when people ask what are you going to be when you're old? Or what can you work with with your degree? Also when you're in a shop just browsing (which I'm for the majority of the time) and the staff immediately ask if they can help you with something and sometimes some of them even sort of follow you, which makes it even more awkward (then I usually just leave the place). I also don't like it if I'm in a shop just quickly and I leave and then they say thank you, because I always interpret it as being sarcastic, because I didn't buy anything. (It's also because e.g. finns and swedes aren't normally as talkative as, wel,l more southern people so it raises my suspicions lol)
One of my biggest hates this...

"Well, everyone is saying this about you"

So who is everyone? Tell me who these people are... which is normally followed up with...

"oh I can't tell you because that would not be fair"

So you are kind enough to dish the dirt that 'someone' is saying something but not who said it thus preventing me from even trying to talk to them and sort the situation out. Yeah, that is really helpful! If you haven't got the balls to name names, then don't tell me anything. From past experience I have learned though, the term 'everyone' is a nice safe way of the person trying to tell you that actually it was them that was slagging you off/thinking it in the first place and actually no one else has said sod all...
Some people on the internet seem to have a massive problem with logical reasoning. Some of my least favourites...

You can't criticize them. You couldn't do any better!

Acceptable in cases where the intricacies of whatever they do are not understandable to the layman, but more often used in a "you're implying my favourite musician/artist/sportsperson isn't perfect and so I hate you" kind of way. How about you actually try and argue your case rather than claim my argument isn't valid. Also comes in the "you're just jealous you can't do..." variety.

Just ignore the troll. They don't know what they're talking about

Some people have differing opinions. Some people like to think that anybody with an extreme/minority opinion are just here to wind everyone up. Or more likely, some people like to think they are successfully invalidating their opponent's opinion by attacking the person and not the argument. Ad hominem at its finest.
"Evolution is false, God created everything as it is."

I mean, I'm a Christian, I'll admit to that, but that's just a bit **** ing ridiculous.
As an atheist, obviously I think it's all made up rubbish, but...

I don't really have a massive issue with it as such. If somebody wants to believe 100% in what's written in some ancient book and abide by the rules set by it? Go for it. Want to ignore all scientific proof? ENtirely up to you (just don't expect me to take you seriously).

My issue is twofold:

1. Forcing it on others

2. Not then following every other edict in that book to the letter too.

It's easy to "believe" that the world is only 6,000 years old (or whatever) and that there was the flood, etc, etc.

Where's the not eating pigs? The not mixing types of cloth? Inviting strangers into your home and offering them your wife and daughter for sexual services because it's the polite thing to do? Sacrificing you kids to appease God? Mixing eggs and chicken, or milk and beef. Eating lamb at the same time as wearing wool?

The list is endless of things the bible says we should believe in and follow to worship God. They all come from the same source as the whole "the world was created in 7 days 6,000 years ago" thing.

If you're going to demand that we accept your views the bible is right on that, then I demand that you also follow every other thing written in the book too.

Can't because it's inconvenient? Well tough. Do it properly, or STFU.

In my humble opinion ;) :lol:
"Won't somebody please think of the children?"

No. **** the children. We **** suck.
This happens to me all the time, and it drives me insane.

- Walk into a takeaway.
- Look at the menu
- As soon as I look at the menu... 'What would you like to order?'

Patience, please! :x
Surely you walk into the take-away and they say "Kebab?" and you say "Yes" and it's sorted? ;)