Strata Poster
I think the RCDB argument against water-creds/SuperSplash things was something along the lines of it needed to "coast" (uphill) at somepoint that wasn't part of the drop. So the little dip at the top of Atlantica counts but the hump in middle of the bottom of the drop on other SuperSplashes doesn't.
That ^ Indian example has a bit going uphill after the splash so....?
This all clearly fits into the "its your count so count what you want to count" category (and clearly Duane does not want to count a load of the SuperSplashes (while the peeps at coaster-count.com do)
That ^ Indian example has a bit going uphill after the splash so....?
This all clearly fits into the "its your count so count what you want to count" category (and clearly Duane does not want to count a load of the SuperSplashes (while the peeps at coaster-count.com do)