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The ^ < V game

^Huh... oh er.. yeah...

< Is Bored and going insane listening to Cartoons - Day Oh!

\/ has no idea what i'm on about.
^If it's the one in Beetlejuice, then I know what you're talking about.

<Still has to wait 1 and a half hours until Lost.

VWill be American and thus seen it.
[edit]Damn you Fry boy! :evil: [edit]

^ correct -= becomes incorrect :P
< Is thinking about an early night on account of no sleep last night
V Will be wide awake

<Knows ^ he won't go to slepp early... he'll be too hyped up on womanly coffee...

VThinks I should respect me elders more
^ yeah, theres no need to make them feel older than they are....
< Is watching attack of the clones later on
v Is also going to watch it?
^ well either yup or nope
< [rant]Has finally seen a decent doctor, and got some decent ear drops - We get a new health centre woith improved facilities and the service is the crappiest ever ! GRrrrr[/rant]
V Will have felt the same about Health Services
^ Nope it's a damp 12 degrees here - roasting for this time of year lol!
< Is waiting for a load of DVD's to arrive following a convo on Monday
V will think that I waste my money
^ Probably not...

< Has to go to some A-Levels option thingy now...

\/ Will be doing some form of public examination this year...
/\ Ermm, SATS count
< Finds it immaturely intresteing that this is page 69 of the topic
\/ Doesn't care at all
^ you are right

<Has to not go to an a level option thing

V also doesnt care
^ Not to my knowledge

< Is really struggling to get in the mood to do Leisure and Tourism Coursework

V Will be going to Thorpe Park on Sunday?
^Nah...You know why...

< Is enjoying my last day of freedom before school starts on Monday :(

V Is already back at school
^ Yeah I've been at school for ages.
< Won't be able to show my cool creation until Monday :(.
v Will want to know what the cool creation I made is.
^ Yes I do
< Has been to the NEC in birmingham for Music Live
V Hasn't been to the NEC in birmingham for music live