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The ^ < V game

^ Oh yeah....Bruce Springsteen - Phillidelphia...Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

< Is chilled tonight

V Will be freezing tonight! :D
^ Hate it Complety

< Is listening to some brilliant German song while on the phone to Hayley!!

V Will love German Songs!
^Nope, nada whatsoever

<Has got two friends onto cf!!!

\/Will not have got one onto here...
^ tried three....failed three to cries of "it's too far"...BORING!
< needs to pack for GF
V. Will just turn up on the day with no planning
^In what way, I'm local

<Wants a team member on the boards NOW!!!

\/Will not be a team member
^You guessed right, I never see ream members post in this topic.
<Just done two pages of Geography homework, and dont it quicky because I knew what I was doing!
VIs yawning?
^ almost time for bed so yes, have to be up early!
< Is really really really bored and has nothing exciting to do apart from think of comfy..... warm..... bed.....
v Is doing something almost as interesting?
^ is 20 in a few days
< is 20 in feburary, and going to blackpool that day
\/ wants to attend blackpool on 26/2
^ Sorry I had my toast this morning.

< Sitting at school bored out of his skull.

v Having a better time than me.
^Not particularly.

< Doing nothing but knows he should be doing work

\/ Their work is better than my project on the Correct ways to enforce & regulate Cyberspace!
^ I was a minute ago but it's just hit me and im knackered!!

< Can't wait till tomorrow to end and then I'm off for 2 Weeks!!

V Will only have 1 Week off :p
^ Um not sure will look once have posted this one :p

< Is going to thorpe tonight! yippeee!

v Will also be going to thorpe today :D