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The ^ < V game

^ Has a good shoulder height :P
< Has a nice back, apparently.
V Doesn't have a back as nice as mine.
^ is wrong. I have two fillings!

< Spent over £100 on dental work in 2004.

V Has a sexy smile.
/\ Is mistake. Very mistaken.
< Wishes he had a sexy smile.
\/ To rub it in, actually has got a sexy smile.
^ Hey kaz you know why im grinning :D
< I going to see my chem in november
v is also going to see a band in november?
^ strangely enough MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!
< is eating natural bio yoghurt with banana and honey
V wants it!
^Oh yeah I do haha! I';ve never tried it but it sounds nice :P!

<Is ****ing hungry!

v Is going to go and get something to eat becauser they are hungry too!
^ yep even though I've just had a homemade Strawberry,banana and natural yoghurt really thick milkshake!
<*belly grumbles*
V doesn't like yoghurt.
^ Love it, but it's out on the diet.

< Should replace beer with yoghurt if I like it so much

V Thinks that's a stupid idea :)
^ Yes, I can't get Maximo Park songs out of my head.

< Has just found the worlds smallest Wotsit Crisp in the world.

v Is eating
^ Thinks that I am eating.
< Is happy because a trip to Europa Park has been confirmed.
v Has an ear infection