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The ^ < V game

:O, Flapjacks are AMAZING. Anything with oats in is amazing.

< Wants Hobnobs

\/ Also loves hobnobs and other oat based snacks.
^ likes bagels

< has no particular fondness of bagels and indeed has no pet to take to the vets.

v will swell up and burst next time they should chance to consume a bagel
^Really loves bagles slyly :p!

<hopes doesn't want a bagel :D and is gunna stop talking about them!

v absolutely loves this site! as well as we all do!
^Yup :p

< Is currently in a ****ing rage at the amount of Noob's Team Killing online in Resistance :p

V Proabbly has no idea what I;m takinbg about
<Misses most of the people from when he first joined (theSlammed, RJM, CWick, zcl)
vHas no idea who any of them are