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The ^ < V game

^Yes, It is very fun and expeically when you are p****d :lol:

< Is pleased for Az and Hayley :D

V Is bored!
^ Ahhh, Tis' true! (Bugger. Shame about that.)
<Has lots of Course work to do and not much motivation/brains to do it with.
v Has legs.
^ damn rite i got legs lady friend!
< cant be arsed to go into work tonight after having had a fortnight off
v is sitting at the computer with a cup of tea, chocolate biccy and wearing nothing more than a towel
^ No, I'm unoriginal and am sitting in clothes, with no tea or biscuit.. :(
< Left arm really aches after 2 days of Media exams! But content :)
v Has some interesring plans for the weekend- apart from theme parks!!
^ Indeedy - it is also known as home and garden work
< Contemplating foot high grass
v Will be paid to cut their grass