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The southern Germany tour! (Day 3 up)


Goon of the Year
Saturday 25th June

I was hoping to stay in bed longer than normal, but found myself waking up at 8am =/ Not great, knowing I had work that evening which was finishing at midnight, and I had a 6:20am flight to catch the next morning. So I went to work, bag almost packed ready for the trip to Stansted airport straight after work. I ended up getting back to Leeds at around 0030, not good! Luckily while on-board I had a 5 hour energy shot which perked me up big time and made me bounce about a lot.

Sunday 26th June
A very quick 3 hour drive down to Stansted airport, arriving at about 4am at the long stay car park, still slightly buzzing, got into the airport, met up with William. We headed to the ticket desk (me knowing full well the flight was full, and we were on my staff travel to get there and back) and told to check in later. So we headed for a nice breakfast. I was still looking bright for no sleep!

We managed to get on the flight luckily and off we went! About 80mins in the air, we landed in Memmingem airport. Quickly through the efficient border control and off to pick the rental car. A nice Opel Meriva. Looking back to the airport, it was tiny!

After about 1/2 hour drive, we were at Skyline Park.


The first port of call was Achterbahn, a Schwarzkopf Wildcat.


It was a fun little coaster, sounded rickity but wasn't bad =] Since we were both quite hungry, we decided to get some brunch, as it was still early in the day. Wolfed down a burger, which was much needed! Very tasty too. Decided to walk around a bit, and we found our next coaster, Sky Rider

Its one of these spinning single rail coasters. The seats were very comfy, and not too bad of a layout. While on ride I spotted a bob-sled type thing, similar to the one at Toverland. The ride itself was very quick, and had a decent enough circuit too =]


I decided by this point I wanted by first Butterfly credit, it took us a while to figure out how to get it to work, but we managed to, there will be a video of that soon =] Now it was over towards Sky Wheel


All the paths were confusing, we ended up riding the log flume, which was alright, not brilliant. And found some Dodgems, with a strange track layout.

The better news was, there were no rules, you could drive forward, backwards, go clockwise or anti-clockwise, was a lot of fun! Eventually we found the entrance of Sky Wheel


We managed to get front row, and was allowed to do a POV for myself =] The coaster itself wasn't great, and not worth the while.

As I was feeling extremely tired, I needed to lay down for about 10 mins to recover having been on the go for well over 24 hours. Once I rested up, we headed for their rapids ride which was fun. Now it was back to the other-side of the park to do their 2nd Butterfly coaster


We walked around a bit, found that they have some Go-Karts, but they were heaving, and also a reverse bungee which was for FREE, but that had a epic queue, so we opted to ride Sky Rider and the Bob, but they had longer queues than earlier. So we decided to leave, but as we were leaving we saw the Wildcat had no queue, so a quick ride on that before leaving.

Now it was into our lovely etap hotel, basic and needed with free WiFi. We were both hungry and headed into Munich to find some food, and ended up buying 40 chicken nuggets between us for €10. We ended back at the hotel and relaxed for the rest of the day. I will post part 2 later on today =D
Re: The southern Germany tour!

Cool, don't think I've ever heard about the park before so I found that intriguing more than anything. Seems like a random selection of rides at the park and a reverse bungee...for FREE?! You never here of that, very odd. Pah, just over 24 hours is nothing compared to what I've put myself through for the sake of going to theme parks :p

I never bother with those butterfly coasters, just seem pointless, even kids look bored on them.

Look forward to the rest of your report Mr Mushy.
Re: The southern Germany tour!

Nice report so far Mark. Looked like you had fun at Skyline Park, I loved the place. Was so relaxed and had loads of quirky rides.

Did they get rid of the smaller bumper car which were powered from the bottom of the track near the entrance to the park. They were amazing, could have stayed on them all day.

Loking forward to seeing the rest of the report :--D .
Re: The southern Germany tour!

Will be doing the rest of the report sometime soon =] But for now a POV of Sky Wheel!

Re: The southern Germany tour!

Wow, that coaster just looks hideous. Anyway I await to read the rest of your report Mr Mushy.
Re: The southern Germany tour!

That video actually just makes me feel sick just looking at it :/

...and as for that Sky Rider thing!!! :shock:
Re: The southern Germany tour!

^ Wasn't that bad to be honest Sue. Anyway, part 2...

Monday 27th June

A quick 1 hour drive, with a stop at McDonalds and Lidl to save some money, we arrived at Bayern Park.


The park is actually quite pretty, very forestry. We had to work out where we are going first, saw Freischutz STILL under construction, with a lot of ground work to be completed. So we went to find our first coaster, and it was a small Tivoli type coaster. Nothing special with it. We kept walking down the hill and spotted Rollercoaster, the layout exactly the same as Green Scream at Adventure Island. But we saw the bob-sled ride, so we tracked down the entrance, which was annoyingly at the top of the hill.

Once we were at the top, we got on, but at a cost of €1,50. It was a nice twisting track, and can be taken at a fair pace. Now we were back at the top of the hill, and saw a castle, it contained a climbing wall and a little play area where you fire balls at each other. Will had a go at the climbing wall



During this time, I was furiously studying the map to find the 2 butterfly coasters, found the outside one, but no the inside one. I gave up for the time, I said to Will lets go through the passage way to the side, went through and found the 2nd Butterfly.


So a quick ride on that, and there was another self operated ride which goes around in a circle. But when you are inside it, you can make it flip forwards and backwards, which was fun! Then it was onto the 2nd of the Butterfly's, but this was testing


We will come back later. Now for some construction photos!





So now we were at the bottom of the park, and decided to go onto a rubber dingy slide. Nice slippy and slidy ride too! Now onto the standard log flume, which was refreshing. Now onto Rollercoaster



Nice and fun too =] now the rapids were open, so time to ride it!




This was the best ride in the park, until the new coaster opens, really well themed, and nice and cooling. We went for lunch in the only place that was open. After lunch I wanted to get the last remaining credit, but was spited


The electric box was open, so I suspect it was electrical fault =[ We went back into the castle and had a quick go in the ball bit, and then had another go on the self operating rides. Now we decided to head back down to the bottom of the hill and had another go on the dingy slide


We went over the bridge and found the other bob-sled run, which cost another €1,50. Much better run, and a lot faster. We had a walk around a random forest area, which was nice. Tried to get onto the rapids for 1 last time, but it was closing as they do limited openings during the week. We decided we explored enough, and headed back to the hotel and relaxed for a bit.

After the failed trip to Munich to find some food, we decided to head to the nearest town, Garching. It was a nice little German town, nothing much to see, but had a few bars, as it was very hot, I wanted a beer, and went back to the first place we saw, which also served food. Now that was our day 2, day 3 will be posted soon!
Re: The southern Germany tour! (Day 2 up)

Tuesday 28th June

We decided to head over to Legoland as it was fairly close, got there early so we could get a good car parking space, so we could leave early to get back to the airport for our flight. We managed to get half price entry into the park which was ace! But I am going to leave the rest of the review to the video:


=D Hope you enjoyed it! If you do this kind of trip I recommended going to Legoland first (if you get the early morning to Memmingen.) Bayern Park on the 2nd day and the 3rd day and travel back going to Sky Line park as its 30mins from the airport and catch the afternoon flight back.
That Sky Wheel coaster is possibly the most disgusting coaster I've ever seen, but I want to ride it.